Our First Christmas In The RV

 Our First Christmas In The RV….

Christmas Eve my husbands truck broke down on the way to work.

Two of my kids got into a huge fight and I wish I’d responded differently.

The day felt so chaotic I didn’t get the house cleaned up, or things prepped for church, nor did we make any cookies.

I was up until 11 finishing wrapping presents.

That night while I was sleeping, the propane ran out and I woke up to the rv being 60 degrees at 2am. It was so cold. I didn’t have enough milk of my own to satisfy the babies and so I had to get up and bottle feed both of them for the first time in the middle of the night in the very cold rv. That was really stressful because I hate that I don’t have enough milk. It was 3 hours later before the babies and I finally were asleep. 

Nathan was at the fire station Christmas Eve so I didn’t have help to deal with the propane tank. I want and knocked on the campsites maintenance man’s rv around 7:30am and he so sweetly came and switched the tanks out for me.

Then I realized the pipes were frozen in one spot and so nothing could drain so we couldn’t use the water.

I was trying to get everyone ready for church during all of this but we ended up leaving an hour late.  I got 5 minutes away from the campsite  when I decided it was silly to even go because the service would be over by the time we got there.

I got back and unloaded only to realize Nathan needed me to pick him up from church because his truck wasn’t working and he had gotten an uber to church from work.

We loaded back up and went and got Nathan at church…a 48 minute drive.

After we picked up Nathan we went and got Ruy . When we got home Nathan had to fix the frozen pipes.  It was 2:30pm when that was finished and the kids could finally open their gifts.

Everyone loved what they got.

After presents I had to wash the dishes from the night before and breakfast.  By then, it was time to start dinner but I was so exhausted Nathan took over and made everything while I took a hot shower and took care of all the little ones and cleaned up the rv.

We ate dinner, then got the babies to bed, and then put the girls to bed.  Once the four little ones were in bed, I had pie and ice cream and went to bed at 9:15pm before any of the older kids went to bed.

I took one picture of all of my kids right before the little ones went to bed.  I almost didn’t but I’m glad I quick snapped it for the memory.

What a day!!! I’m sure I’ll always remember it as one of the more stressful Christmas Days we have had but it could have been worse.

I’m thankful we had heat and food and each other and for the ability to gift the kids with things they had wanted but I do hope next year goes a little better.