Fall 2021 Family Photo Session

In early December 2021, we did family photos with my best friend.  I had hired another photographer to do our photos back in October, however, we used different addresses and ended up going to two different locations TWO hours a part from each other :(   My best friend was so kind as to fit us into her schedule in December to try a make up session since my photographer was fully booked until Spril 2022.

Mara ended up being sick that night which I didn't realize until we got home.  She had a fever so she was in no mood for photos and cried the whole time.  I wish I had realized she had a fever prior to going.  Milla cried the whole time because she did whatever Mara was doing :) 

So basically it was pretty much a stressful session because two screaming babies isn't easy to work with.  I felt so bad but Kim did manage to get some good shots despite having two super cranky babies and a few kids who wanted to run off the entire time.  Kim is my hero!!!

This also happened to be the same night that I found out I was pregnant again.  I took a pregnancy test after we got home and it was positive!  You can read about that story HERE.

Alanna is so good with the girls.  She has been such a huge help since they have been born. 

I never feel like there are a lot of us until we are all spread out like this and then it seems like there are more of us than I realized :)  Pretty soon there will be TWO more little ones joining this clan! 

Oh!  In addition to the girls being so cranky, Liam's eye swelled up on the way to the session.  I have no idea what happened but it was all red and watery. 

The boys are all getting so big.  It feels like yesterday they were just 8, 4, and newborn. 

Thankful for these images and the memories and knowing that our newest twins were documented for the first time during this session and we didn't even know it! 


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