Today was the day before Jude's first birthday. This year went by so fast. I had all these plans of how his first birthday would be...the big party I would have...the amazing decorations, the perfect cake, the awesome pinterest perfect party. 

...and then reality sets in and life happens and before I knew it, his birthday was tomorrow. And I still haven't made his cake. Please tell me I'm not the only mama that has been here?! 

I love birthdays. I think they are so special each year and I believe they should be celebrated with cake, singing, and candles no matter how old you are. I always want to do these amazing parties and have the day just be so fun and special and unforgettable. Maybe I set my goals too high or have too high of expectations on myself as a busy, work at home, homeschooling mom... or maybe I just don't plan ahead very well!  It's probably a little of both.  But whatever it is, I don't feel prepared for Jude's birthday at all.  

However, I am trying not to really stress about it since the elaborate pinterst worthy decor is not really what matters. What matters is that he is loved...that he is healthy...that he is the most amazing perfect little baby ever and that I am so blessed to be his mama. 

I nursed him before putting him to bed tonight and thought...did I hold him enough, did I kiss him enough, did I play with him enough, was I "present" enough. I want to be the best mom to my kids. To give them all they need. To show them daily Jesus in me.  To love them with all my heart, soul, and mind.  Some days I fail miserably and other days I feel like a rockstar mom. I guess all of us mamas probably go through that.  

But I nursed him and kissed him and just thought about how blessed our life has been to have sweet little Jude in it. He's really been the best baby. So so sweet, so happy, so fun, so easy going. We are all so crazy in love with him and can't wait to celebrate his first birthday tomorrow.  

It will be home...surrounded by the people we love the most.
and that is the best way for it to be. 

You light up my world Jude David...
Tomorrow you are ONE! 

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