A few weeks ago I was craving some chicken alfredo but didn't want to eat all the pasta that normally entails.  So, I whipped up this SUPER easy recipe that uses spaghetti squash and it was AMAZING.  I try to avoid recipes that have a lot of dairy in it like this but every once in  a while I'm ok with it.  

I cook my spaghetti squash in the microwave to cut down on cook time. Just pierce it all over with a knife and cook in the microwave for 10-12 minutes.  Then cut it open and scrape out the squash.  Also, if you cook up a bunch of chicken on meal prep day when you go to make this meal, it makes it even easier to whip up!  

Hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do!!!

Spaghetti Squash Chicken Alfredo

  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 tbsp whole wheat flour flour
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 1/2 cup half and half 
  • 1/4 cup greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese shredded
  • 1/2 cup chicken cooked and shredded
  • 2 1/2 cups spaghetti squash cooked
  • Salt pepper, and parsley, to taste


  1. Melt butter in a skillet over medium heat.
  2. Add garlic
  3. Stir in the flour and cook for about one minute, stirring constantly.
  4. Whisk in the chicken broth and then the half and half.
  5. Stir in the yogurt and Parmesan cheese until smooth.
  6. Add the cooked spaghetti squash and the cooked, shredded chicken. Cook until heated through.
  7. Taste the chicken alfredo spaghetti squash. Then, season with salt, pepper, and parsley.

*I doubled this recipe to feed my family.  You could also add in mushrooms and/or broccoli to this!!! 


Alanna turned four on the 14th.  I am still kind of in disbelief that she is so big already.  I now next year I'll look back and think "wow four was so little" but right now it just feels like she is growing up so crazy fast!  I say that every year too :)  But I think all you mamas can relate to what I'm feeling. 

Alanna is such a sweet soul with such a fun personality.  She is so full of life and just loves to sing and dance...  

She loves pink.  She loves flowers, little books, piggies, all her favorite animals but especially deer and blankie...

She loves taking walks, swinging, playing in the sand, looking for worms, Elsa, dresses that twirl, snuggling and stars....

Her favorite food is mac+cheese and all the veggies.  She'd take veggies over meat any day.  She wants to be a ballerina and will dance to river dance music for hours...

 She loves all the girly things but doesn't mind playing in the dirt with her brothers.  Her laugh is contagious and that wrinkle she gets in her nose when she laughs is just the best...

 She is basically everything and more I ever imagined having a daughter would be like.

Stay beautiful, happy, and full of life baby girl! 


The kids waited patiently impatiently for the day to paint pumpkins + carve them.  The three younger painted theirs and Ruy carved his with some help from Nathan.  His was super thick so some of it was a little hard for him to cut through.  But we got through painting with minimal stains :) And they enjoyed every minute of it. 

Seeing Ruy carve his own pumpkin was just another little reminder how fast he's growing up.  It's also exciting to see him learn and try new things as he grows into a "big kid."  Alanna, Liam, and Jude were all pretty interested in his whole pumpkin carving adventure.

They were all pretty proud of their pumpkins. There is certainly never a dull moment with Liam around :) 

Liam decided to be Spiderman for Halloween months ago.  We found the perfect costume.  He wore it every day most of the day for a month.  And then Halloween morning came and he decided he HAD to be Buzz Lightyear for the THIRD year in a row.  There was no convincing him otherwise and honestly I didn't really care.  I think he'll always love Buzz the most. 

Alanna wanted to be Elsa and then decided she'd rather be a ballerina.  We fond this little costume at the consignment store for about $8 total! Love deals like that.  She was SO happy and twirled and danced around and I loved watching every minute of it.  

Jude wanted NO part of wearing any kind of costume.  He won't wear any thing we have at home and so I didn't even bother buying him anything.  Halloween evening came around and Ruy had the dress up things out and Jude saw the fire helmet.  He grabbed it put it on and I remembered he has a fire fighter rain coat.  He LOVES all things fire truck or fire fighter since going to Nathan's fire station is his favorite.  He put it all on and didn't want to take it off.  And he looked adorable. He absolutely loves that his Daddy is a fire fighter. 

Ruy had the hardest time picking out a costume.  He bought one but it was so complicated to put on that he got super frustrated so we took it back and he got Jack instead.  He looked so cute.  He would have stayed out for hours looking for candy but we had to head in earlier than he wanted due to Alanna getting so chilly and tired but he still had almost a full pumpkin by the time we headed home so he was happy with that. 

I never celebrated Halloween as a kid since my parents didn't allow it so sometimes Halloween still seems so different for me.  This is only my 7th time doing it my whole life.  But I love seeing the kids pick out their costumes and get so excited about it all!  They are already asking when is it Halloween again!  Liam's decided "I'll be Spiderman next time" :)