Alanna turned four on the 14th.  I am still kind of in disbelief that she is so big already.  I now next year I'll look back and think "wow four was so little" but right now it just feels like she is growing up so crazy fast!  I say that every year too :)  But I think all you mamas can relate to what I'm feeling. 

Alanna is such a sweet soul with such a fun personality.  She is so full of life and just loves to sing and dance...  

She loves pink.  She loves flowers, little books, piggies, all her favorite animals but especially deer and blankie...

She loves taking walks, swinging, playing in the sand, looking for worms, Elsa, dresses that twirl, snuggling and stars....

Her favorite food is mac+cheese and all the veggies.  She'd take veggies over meat any day.  She wants to be a ballerina and will dance to river dance music for hours...

 She loves all the girly things but doesn't mind playing in the dirt with her brothers.  Her laugh is contagious and that wrinkle she gets in her nose when she laughs is just the best...

 She is basically everything and more I ever imagined having a daughter would be like.

Stay beautiful, happy, and full of life baby girl! 

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