Why I Am No Longer A Coach For Beachbody

Why I Am No Longer A Coach For Beachbody

This is probably going to be one of the hardest posts I ever write up.  I've taken days to get to this post because finding the right words seems so difficult. January 20, 2019 would have been my three year anniversary as a coach. But as of Friday, November 30, 2018....I canceled my coaching account. 

This came as a huge shock to most of my clients and my team.  However, it's been something that I'd been fighting with myself over for some time.  When you've invested three years of your life into something it's hard to walk away. But I knew in my soul it was the right decision for me and what I needed to do. 

So why though??? Why did I chose to cancel my coaching account and walk away from beachbody coaching?...

I want to first start with  saying what I love SO much about my coaching journey and what I'm thankful for...

1. It allowed me to find my passion in health, fitness, self care/love.

2. It taught me that personal development is SO important.  I've grown immensely over the last three years!  I have read so many books and found so many amazing influential and inspiring people because of the importance that beachbody placed on reading personal development.   I will never stop reading/learning/growing now and am SO incredibly thankful for coaching bringing that into my life. 

3. I met some of my closest friends. Coaching opened up a whole new world for me. I found a deep love for connecting with people outside of my small circle of friends and realized that social media is such an incredible tool for adding value to others, sharing what you love, and making incredible friends that otherwise you would never have known! 

4.  It kept me accountable to my journey.  Because working out, eating healthy growing myself was my JOB...it allowed me to break the cycle that I'd been on for years of starting a workout routine and then quitting a few days, weeks, months in.  It allowed me to believe in myself and know that I am capable of working out and taking care of myself.  

5.  It allowed me to travel alone for the first time and realize that I had an incredible desire for adventure!

6.  It sparked a huge passion in me for being an entrepreneur.

7.  It allowed me to help so many women to start their own journey and create healthy lifestyles themselves.  

8. It helped me to gain the confidence I needed to open up, be who I am, stop living just to please others or be who I thought other people needed me to be, and to go for what I want for my life. 

*I'm so grateful for my upline coaches being so supportive of me and my decision. These two leaders within our team are truly incredible women and I care about them so much and feel so blessed to have them in my life! 

So now that I've talked about all the things I am grateful for with coaching...I'll share WHY I decided to stop coaching. 

1. The meal plan that I started following when I became a coach was a portion control plan.  And while it has helped SOOOO many people...it eventually gave me massive food anxiety. Last fall/winter is when I remember starting to feel very afraid of food. I started to hate cooking, I was crying at every meal I had to cook, I was constantly complaining to my husband about food. Telling him I hate it all and I never wanted to cook again.  I was literally afraid to eat and resentful of food.  A new plan released and I thought I'd try that since it wasn't really restrictive and was super positive. However, this plan has you weigh yourself every day and focuses heavily on weightloss and it started to bring up a lot of things that I'd been working hard for years to release.  The need to weigh myself daily and obsessing over the # was previously a huge struggle and this plan was bringing all of those feelings back up. Both plans I do believe are incredible...but for me...neither were helping me.  They were causing anxiety and fears and obsessions I didn't want. It was getting harder and harder for me to recommend them when I didn't want to follow either plan any more.  Do I think these plans are good for other people?  Yes, I still believe these plans are good plans. They just weren't serving me well and I felt I needed to make a shift. 

2. Shakeology. Anyone who's followed me knows how much I love Shakeology. I've never ever made up how good I think it tastes or that I believe it's helped me so much. I think it's a wonderful product and I know it's helped so many people. But I noticed that Shakeology was starting to hurt my stomach terribly...after I would drink it I was bloating up, feeling nauseas, and feverish like.  I talked to my doctor about it and she asked me to stop drinking it altogether.  I have developed a lot of stomach pains and seem to be easily irritated by foods that didn't used to bother me.  My doctor and I both agree something in Shakeology is affecting me...allergic to something in it + possibly Shakeology caused me some digestive/gut issues.  Again, do I think Shakeology is good for other people? Yes, I do. It's just like I'm allergic to avocado but I still think they are good for other people...I personally just cant eat them.  

3.  I was feeling like I couldn't keep up with my needs and my family's needs.  I felt like I had been putting everyone else's needs before my own. I was beginning to dread getting up early and dreading working out. I was going days without showering, 1-2 weeks without brushing my hair, and just feeling completely exhausted.  I was struggling to keep up with housework, homework, and being there for my kids and husband the way they need me. Note: Not all coaches feel this way. This is my personal experience with what I was feeling at this season in my life. 

4. The amount of work it takes daily to work this business, whether actually to bring in a full time income or even to just pay for your products wasn't aligning with my priorities and goals any longer.  I was making enough to pay for my products each month, however the stress I was feeling...wasn't worth the income I was bringing in. So while I loved sooo many things about coaching...at this point it was causing me more stress than joy.  My doctor had been asking me for a year to cut away the things in my life that were causing me a lot of stress and I felt it was time to listen to what she was saying.  Note. I'm not against working hard.  But sometimes our work can be working against us instead of for us and for me this had become the case. 

5.  I felt my soul constantly nudging me to make a shift. My body was screaming out at me to SLOW down for a bit, take care of myself first again, pursue some of my other interests and passions,  be more present with my family, and find a better balance/flow in my life. 

So there it is... Why I decided to stop coaching for beachbody. 

So what now???? 

Right now I'm taking some time to slow down. To get quiet and figure out exactly what I'm needing/looking for. I think 2019 is going to be a year of exploring, healing, discovering new things, and finding myself in a whole new way. 

Sometimes we have to say no to something we love in order to make the space needed for something even better than we even expected to come into our lives. 

Will I miss coaching with beachbody...absolutely!  I've felt strange the last few days as I've been transitioning out of an identity I've held for nearly three years and I'm nervous as I'm trying to navigate what the next steps look like for me.  But I'm also excited about seeing what this next year has in store. 

I will still be sharing my health and fitness journey on social media because wellness is still one of my greatest passions. I'll still be using beachboy's workouts because I think they are incredible.  I'll still be sharing about my favorite recipes, my kids, personal growth, life...you know...all the things that matter to me! 

I hope you'll stick around for the journey and I hope to inspire others who have been feeling the nudge to make a shift that it's ok...it's ok to change. It's ok to let go of something that was once serving you but no longer is. It's ok to move on even though you're afraid of what others will think of you.  The people that really care about you will stay...and the ones that don't, they will leave. Do what's right for you and don't worry about the rest. Everything will fall into place as it should. Our job is to simply surrender and continue to grow and be our best selves. Not everyone is going to understand and that's ok.  You have to do what's right for you.

....I'd love to hear your feedback whether in the comments below or over on my FB or IG post that linked you to this post. 

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