Jude's 4th Birthday Fire Station Pictures

For Jude's 4th birthday (which was back in October...I am just way behind on blogging them.) I took him out to the fire station one day and took a few pictures of him with the truck and Nathan.  He is so proud of the fact that his dad is a fire fighter and loves the fire trucks so much!!! 

I had been meaning to take pictures of him at the station for a loooonnnggg time but I've found that pictures, keeping them organized, photo books, and blogging just kind of fell to the sidelines during the last few years.  Something I'm working on changing.  But I'm glad I finally made the time to get it done because I love how these turned out. 

It's so hard to believe my baby is four already.  I feel like I literally blinked and he went from a newborn to this sweet little man.  He is so snuggly still, loves his blankey, Sprinkles his stuffed dog, the color red, legos, the Narnia stories, and playing outside.  He is like a little tank...a solid 45 pounds.  His voice is still so deep like it was the day he was born and he says the cutest things.  

He's full of so much personality and makes me laugh a lot.  He is a deep thinker, a goof ball, fun, energetic, outgoing, a snuggler, and such a sweet little person. 

He says he wants to be a fire fighter and construction man when he grows up like his daddy.  

I wish I could keep him little forever.  All my kids are growing up so fast and I just wish time would slow down a bit.  

I'm so proud of the person you are Jude David and Daddy and I are so thankful for every moment we've had with you. 

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