Well it's been over  three months since my maternity session with the twins and I am just now getting around to finding time to post it!  

I am really working to getting back into the blogging regularly again though now that I have cleared some things off my plate.  I really love this space and want to utilize more again. 

Our maternity session was done late June 2020 by Lindsay Martin Photography.  Lindsay is so nice to work with, just incredibly sweet and kind and talented. If you live in the Richmond area, please look her up for your next family session! 

So funny story...

Lindsay gave me the address for our location and I put in the address in our GPS wrong!

So, we drove all the way to the wrong address and when we pulled into the driveway it was a run down rancher house and I knew we'd gone to the wrong place. 

I quickly double checked her text and realized my mistake.  When we put in the address we were now 40 minutes away from the right location!!!  We ended up only having 30 minutes of shoot time by the time we got to the location and got out of the van and everything.  I was so upset with myself, afraid we'd not have time to really get any photos. 

But Lindsay did her thing and we begged everyone to "please just cooperate right away"! :) 
The tall grass irritated the younger ones and we saw a few big spiders, but overall everyone did a great job and we were able to catch that amazing golden sunset! 

I'm really so thankful for my husband always being so understanding of my need to document everything through photos as photography has been one of my biggest passions since I was 10. 

Getting these shots of me with each of my children is always so special. 

Watching our family grow over the years has truly just been so beautiful and Nathan and I both feel so incredibly blessed. 

Feels like yesterday he was just a little he's taller than me! 

I never in a million years thought I'd be a twin mama but it's so special that I get to experience this journey! 

...and I'm SO thankful I get to do experience it all with my best friend :) 

For a very long time I thought I might not ever get to hold my babies.  I lived day after day in fear that I would hear the words "no heart beat" and it was terrifying.  I couldn't commit to names or begin buying things for them until I was about 30ish weeks pregnant.  The trauma I felt at the beginning of our pregnancy up until the hemorrhage left at 17 weeks pregnant was really deep.  And it stayed with me the whole time.  Adding all the stress of covid to the pregnancy didn't help.  Having Nathan miss several ultrasounds, having severe panic attacks at the hospital because they tried to force me to wear a mask, worrying about my delivery if Nathan was going to be allowed in the room, worrying I might not be able to have a photographer there, knowing my children wouldn't be able to visit the babies once they were was all just a lot.  

It wasn't how I imagined this pregnancy to go.  It was also the post intense pregnancy I've had.  So much throwing up in the beginning and feeling nauseas and then the swelling, the veins, the back pain, the stomach numbness, being stretched beyond what I thought possible, braxton hicks stronger than I'd ever had before, swelling to the point I thought my legs were going to tear open...

still though... it was beautiful! 

Feeling my girls move.  Knowing I was growing two lives inside of me.  Imagining what they would look like.  Waiting for the day I'd get to hold them.

It was intense and hard a lot of the time, but it was also beautiful and wonderful and incredibly special.   

So very thankful I have these photos to remember this special time.

I have no greater joy than being a mother to these six beautiful children that God has given to me to raise, to nurture, to cherish, to love. 

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