It's been a while since I did A Week In Review post but I'm taking the time today to sit down and get it done.

Sunday we didn't make it to church because I'd been very sick that night.  I had a horrible headache, vomiting, extreme dizziness, and more.  I barely slept and with my husband gone at work I just decided to stay home.  I wasn't sick like a virus or anything contagious...it was either pregnancy related, vertigo, or possible caffeine withdrawal since I forgot to drink any that day.  

So we spent the day hanging out at home.  The kids found some toads and a turtle, and then we took some time to play at the neighborhood playground once my dizziness had calmed down. 

Monday was my husband's 34th birthday.  He worked during the day and then when he got home, we went and picked up Ruy and headed out to dinner.   The kids (other than Ruy) had never been to a Hibachi restaurant before so we decided to go there. 

Our family filled up an entire table which I loved so much but also was like...."what will be do when the next set of twins in born!!! Big family problems :) 

The boys LOVED having the food cooked in front of them and the girls (twins) were so good.  Milla loved the salad which I was surprised since it's such a unique flavor but she woofed it down.  Mara only wants to feed herself which posed a slight problem with how high the table was but we made it work.  Liam learned how to eat with chopsticks and Nathan caught some food in his mouth when the chef threw it at him! :) 

It was a really nice dinner celebrating Nathan. 

Tuesday we headed out to Home Depot to grab boxes and moving supplies.  The girls loved the cart at Home Depot and did not want to get out.

Wednesday was a full day at home working on packing.  We took a break in the afternoon to get some fresh air and exercise.  I walked down to the little park in our neighborhood with all the kids.  Alanna and the twins picked "fuzzies" aka dandelion seed flowers (not sure of the actual name).  Alanna taught the girls to call them fuzzies though and I absolutely love it.  

Milla also learned to climb UP the huge metal slide that's at this park and I was nervous about that but she handled it like a pro and did it over and over.  Alanna stayed behind her the whole time though to make sure she didn’t fall.

Thursday was when the appraisal on our house was being done so we had to leave by 9:30 that morning.  I decided to take the kids strawberry picking and we had a lovely time.  We spent about 2.5 hours there.  We've been going to this strawberry patch for about 7 or 8 years now.  It's free to get in, free hayride, free playground...you just pay for what you pick. 

Mara was not a fan of the thorns on the strawberry bushes but the rest of the kids loved it as usual. My older kids, (especially Liam) were a huge help this day.  Liam and I took turns pulling the wagon, getting waters from the van, playing with the girls on the playground, and he held Milla on the hayride. 

I love days like this with my children so much.  It was much needed after how crazy things have been around here getting our house sold and packed. 

The girls took a short nap that afternoon since they fell asleep in the van on the way home.  When they got up, I turned on the sprinkler and filled the girls' water table.  All the kids played in the water for a long time.  Jude showed the twins how to make mud and they were thrilled.  They were covered in mud!  They had a blast in it until all of a sudden they were done with it and wanted clean. :) 

Friday was another packing day and then I picked up my oldest son to stay the weekend with us.  I hurt my food Friday morning which really was awful.  I think I sprained two of my toes and spent all day Friday and Saturday in horrible pain.  It's feeling a lot better as of today (Sunday) thankfully.

Saturday was a full day of packing and loading the moving truck.  We have one week until we need to be moved out and we still have so much to do.  I hit 28 weeks in my pregnancy on Saturday as well.  So thankful for a healthy pregnancy so far and hoping to make it another 10 weeks at least like I did with my girl twins. 

And that sums up our week. I'm exhausted physically and mentally from everything going on with this move and am very ready to have everything packed and be out of here. 

I'm going to work on getting a MOVING UPDATE blog post done this week to share what's happening and answer some more questions I've been getting. 

I hope everyone had a wonderful week!



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