
Six Months
May 14, 2014
14 pounds, 8 ounces, 25.75 inches

Half a year...

I can hardly believe it has already been that long since they placed your beautiful, little body into my arms for the very first time.  You have grown so much since then.  Your little personality is really starting to show.  You are such a sweet, silly, busy, beautiful, little girl.  

You are reaching for everything at the table now.  Daddy and I let you have ice cream for the first time this month.  You went crazy over it.  You kept reaching for it, and then crying when I didn't give it to you fast enough.  We also let you have mashed potatoes, and applesauce.  You were not a fan of the mashed potatoes, but you liked the applesauce. 

You have started to push up onto your knees.  I'm sure you will start scooting soon.  I'm not sure I'm ready for that!  You are already so wiggly, and you roll around so much!  You never want to hold still unless you are in the Ergo, and even then you are usually pushing your head back to see what is going on around you.  

Grammy and Pappy got you a new toy, a doll (with all sorts of chew rings, and bright colors) that you just love.  It hooks onto your car seat.  You like to play with her while we are driving.  Bunny and blanket are still your favorite though.  Daddy and I wonder how long it will take before Bunny's ears start to fall a part.  

Your hair has finally started to grow back in.  It's a beautiful blonde color. I thought your hair was going to come back in as dark as it was when you were born, but I guess I was wrong.  I don't think you will have curly hair like Liam though.

Your sleep schedule is still the same.  You sleep 6-12 hours in your bed.  You usually get in bed with me around 5AM, and then nurse in bed with me until 7AM when we all get up.  You take two long naps typically from 10-12, and then from 1-4.  Then you take a short nap in the Ergo around 6 most nights.  If not, I just put you to bed at 7:30PM.

You like to hold onto my ear while I am holding you.  You have not wanted me to put you down much lately. But then again, I don't want to put you down much either!  I like to have you close to me as much as possible.  I'm so thankful for the Ergo! 

 Ruy has started to dance with you while he is holding you.  You love it.  Liam, wanting to be like Ruy, has started only wanting to hold you if he is standing.  Of course, I am helping him hold you, but it makes him feel like a big boy.  Liam also likes to say "Look Mommy, that's Alanna Colette!"  

Every morning, after you wake up, you look up at me with your beautiful blue eyes.  They are filled with so much love.  You smile at me with the biggest, happiest smile.  Your little nose wrinkles up when you smile really big!  It's the cutest thing!  You reach up at me with your tiny hands, and touch my face so sweetly.  You coo and laugh. If Daddy is still home from work when we wake up, you love to play with him.  You will look at him with the same loving look.  It melts Daddy completely!  We love you so very much, and can not imagine life without you.

~Happy Six Months Alanna Colette~

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