The Last Week Of First Grade & The Start To Summer Break!!!

This past week was Ruy's last week of First Grade.  I can hardly believe the school year is already over!  My little man will be in SECOND Grade this fall!  So crazy.  

The last week of school was pretty low key.  We did school Monday and Tuesday, and then Wednesday we took a field trip to the Strawberry Patch.  We went with three other home-school families.  I am so excited about these three families.  God totally knew how much we all needed each other, and it really is amazing how he works...

I had been praying to meet a home-school family with a son Ruy's age.  I was at the park a few months ago with the kids, when another mom (Elizabeth) and her three kids walked up.  She had a son in First Grade, a daughter in Kindergarten, and a newborn baby girl!  They are Christians also!  She had also been praying to meet another family with a boy her son's age.  So, you can imagine how excited we both were!  We spent several hours talking, and enjoying watching our boys having a blast playing together.  

Elizabeth introduced me to another home-school mom, with a son in First Grade, and then through her, we met another mom who home-schools her son!  Now, there are four of us, with boys, who home-school, and are Christians!  We are all super excited about how God has worked it out, and are all looking forward to the exciting things to come for the upcoming school year!  

Anyways... back to our strawberry picking field trip :)  We had eleven kids there between the four of us.  The four older boys spent a large majority of the time wrestling, or talking about silly things that only boys would think are funny.  We picked strawberries, played on the playground, ate lunch under the shade of beautiful trees, and took a wonderful hayride.  The kids all had great time!  

My Mom found a box turtle, and brought it over for the boys to play with for the day.  They thought it was awesome.

Thursday was Ruy's last day of school!  We had planned on celebrating with going out for ice cream but we got really busy packing for vacation, and then going to small ended up not happening.  So, we decided we'd just get ice cream on vacation.  

Friday, my sister brought her boys over to play with Ruy while she was seeing her Midwife.  They were in town for a few days, and Ruy was super excited to get to see his cousins.  They spent a lot of time in the creek, getting all wet and muddy!

What a great way to start off the Summer!!! 

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