The past two months Jude decided that being in one place was way too boring.  He went from sitting, to scooting, to crawling, to pulling up, to trying to walk all in a matter of a few weeks.  He isn't walking yet but he has tried to stand on his own and to take a step.  He's SO active and into everything...especially the dog's water bowl.  He discovered it a few days ago and now I can't keep him out of it.  Once he sees it, he starts crawling as fast as he can towards it and it's a race to see who can reach the bowl first.  He usually wins and then water goes all over the floor.  He's happy as a lark playing and patting in the water while I'm standing there wondering how in the world he can crawl SO fast! 

We moved Jude out of our room a few weeks ago.  He still co-sleeps with me for a few hours each night but honestly, he usually prefers his own bed.   He loves to stretch out now and once he's done nursing he usually pushes away from me and tries to stretch out.  So he's much happier in his own bed.  I'd say he sleeps with me for about 3 hours a night but the rest he's in his bed.  I can't say that I mind.  It's much easier when the baby transitions out of your bed on their own rather than by force.  Liam had NO desire to be out of my bed so when we moved him into his bed at one year old...well it wasn't fun or easy.  :)  

His sleep schedule is a little bit unpredictable since he's been cutting teeth off and on for the past few months.  He has six teeth but it looks like two more are going to break through any day.  He was sleeping SO good...like from 7pm-4am and then from 5am-7:30am, but the past two weeks it's more like he's up every 1-2 hours and I'm assuming it's from these teeth.  At least I hope it is because being back on a newborn style sleep schedule this mama is having a hard time always wanting to get up and workout in the morning.  

He LOVES food.  This morning he ate an entire banana muffin and almost an entire small banana!  He loves chicken, black beans, blueberries, bananas, muffins, cheerios, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal.  We don't do "baby food."  I bought baby food for Ruy and always hated having to make a separate meal for him than what I was having. So then I tried making homemade baby food for Liam and really didn't like all the extra time it took to make it.  He really wasn't into it anyway.  Liam really liked to just nurse mostly until he was almost a year old.  Then with Alanna I just decided to only give her foods that we were eating when she was ready for them and it was SO much easier and way less stressful.  We've done the same for Jude and baby lead weaning is so amazing and I love going that way with it.  I'm not saying you're wrong if you buy or make baby food...it just wasn't for me :) 

He loves to smile.  Pretty much everyone he sees gets greeted with a smile which is so different from how Alanna was (still is). Alanna wouldn't smile at any stranger and actually is still really shy around people she doesn't know.  Jude, on the other hand will smile at pretty much everyone.  He's always SO happy and so sweet.  Really...his personality is just amazing.  

He has such a big smile and with all those little teeth...it's adorable.  He does this little face with his lips all pressed together and it gives him these little dimples! *sigh* I have always thought it made him look like a sweet little birdie.

 {8 months}

He just learned how to clap his hands this past Sunday and he likes to slap our hands with his hands.  He loves to go on the swing.  He loves his giraffe and he loves to take walks in the little red bike.  He still loves the ergo which is good because he spends a good amount of time in it.  

His brothers and sister are so crazy about him.  They love to play with him.  We all call him "Jude the Dude or Judy".  He loves to give us big wet kisses or try to chew on our shoulders.  He's pretty much the most perfect baby and I can't imagine how our lives ever were without him.  

Happy 8 & 9 months Jude David. 
.slow down just a little bit cause this mama isn't really ready for her babe to turn one in just three months!!! 

{9 months}

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