MAY 2016

 May came and went so fast.  I'm not sure why but this year is really just flying by so quick that I kind of want to put it on pause for a little bit.  I'm going to post some of my favorite pictures from May so that I can hopefully soon be caught up and start posting weekly again.  

In May Ruy had a race for his Awanas that he goes to.  He got to build a car (or truck) out of wood and then race it.  He wanted a fire truck and he drew up his own design for it and then he and Nathan worked on building it together.  Besides Nathan slicing his hand open one Sunday afternoon while working on it...they had a lot of fun doing this project together.  The truck turned out so amazing and Ruy won a prize for being "most realistic!"  He was a little disappointed that his truck wasn't the fastest but once he got that award he forgot all about that and was really happy!  Nathan and I were so proud of him. 

Jude is really growing up way too quickly.  But he's seriously the most easy going baby and pretty much always happy! 

Alanna is still so in love with her blankie and her deer.  They go with her everywhere.  

We spent a lot of our afternoons outside in May.  The weather was really nice this spring and we actually had a spring this year instead of jumping right into summer! 

The boys love playing dress-up.  They dressed up like this on Mother's Day and had a battle in the back yard :) 

Alanna loves to sit and read books.  Actually they all do which I love.  Alanna likes to tear up books too though which can be so frustrating.  The boys never tore books so I can't seem to understand why she does it all.the.time. I have to keep a close watch on her while she's reading because if she becomes frustrated in any way with the book...pages start coming out! 

Alanna is in love with the color pink.  It started back a few months ago and now she wants everything pink. 

She loves her pink umbrella and her pink jammies. 

She loves playing outside and writing with chalk. 

She loves the roses and looking for worms. 

She's my beautiful little girl. 

....and this little boy...well he's a handful but my goodness do I love him. 

Two is one of my most favorite ages.  They are learning so much and everything is so exciting and new. 

 I'm so thankful we have a nice big back yard where we can play and enjoy being outside.  It was one of the things I knew I had to have when we bought our own house.  I have dreams of having a screened in back porch, a new deck, a fire pit, hammocks...etc.  Not right now though but one day :) 

This girl... I can't get enough of her.  She was in no mood for pictures this morning. 

Jude loves this giraffe.  It's one of his favorite toys. 

We love taking walks.  I try to do it a few times a week if it's not too hot.  

It's almost impossible to get him to let me take a picture of him lately. And if he does agree...this is typically what I get!  Nine year old boys...

The kids have played in water out front, colored and read on the front porch,  sat on the counters while I cooked...

...they've played together (or got upset with eachother) 

He drooled on her toy and she was SO upset.

And Jude learned how to sit by himself.  He thinks he's big stuff :)

And that about sums up how May went for us. Next I will work on our beach week and then get onto June so that I can start keeping up with July before it gets ahead of me. I don't want to forget all of these sweet moments with my babes! 

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