JULY 2016

I feel like each of the kids have grown up so much this month.  Liam is so ready to learn how to read.  He keeps picking up books and pretending he's reading them.  Some books he has almost completely memorized so he feels like he is reading them and it's so cute to listen to him "pretend" to read.  I got his hair cut a few weeks ago and I wanted to cry...he was SO handsome but almost FIVE and I just wanted to stop time.

Ruy has grown a ton and just talks and acts like a "big boy" and it's scary to watch him grow up so fast.  He still loves to snuggle and have me read books to him though so he definitely still needs me which is good :)  We were able to sneak away for a little date the other day while the other kids slept and my husband was home.  We enjoyed some icecream cones and it was fun just getting to talk with him and be with him. 

 Jude is all over the place.  He never wants to hold still.  He's standing and crawling and eating whatever he finds on the floor...and with kids in and out of the house, constantly dropping food, legos, or crafts on the floor...I never know what I might be pulling out of Jude's mouth!  He's absolutely gorgeous, with the biggest smile that just melts your heart, he's so playful, and basically the most perfect little man!

Alanna's vocabulary has expanded by leaps and bounds the past few months and I realized just yesterday that there aren't a ton of words that she mispronounces any more.  The one word she says wrong that is so cute is "surprise".  She says "caprise"..."Mommy, look I have a "caprise" for you!"  As she hands me a bunch of dandelions!  

It's basically the cutest but realizing she's getting so big so fast is overwhelming some times.  The more kids I have, the faster they all seem to grow up.   

July was a busy month...busy with me working, doing some field trips, a few play dates, church, grocery shopping, hanging out at home...

Grocery shopping with four kids is always an adventure.  We usually go to Walmart and Aldi every week. I love Aldis prices and how small it is! In and out in like 35 minutes! Yes, please!  I just wish they sold everything I needed so I didn't have to go to Walmart too.

We pretty much always go to Chick-fil-a after grocery shopping...it helps me keep my sanity. 

We've enjoyed a lot of time playing in the little kiddie pool.  I honestly have had NO desire to take the kids to the beach or a big pool this summer.  We've been to the beach once for our vacation and a big pool twice and it was about enough for me.  It's SO much work to take all the kids and then Jude just ends up cranky because he can't crawl in the sand or on the cement...he gets cold and tired of the water...and then he's so tired because he needs a nap.  It's really just not worth it right now.  Next summer things will be totally different and I think we'll enjoy the beach more but for now we've just enjoyed splashing in our little pool on our front sidewalk. And that's totally ok with me. 

4th of July was spent at home having smores in the rain and grilling out. 

Alanna is loving tutus and the color pink right now.  She also likes to use her blankie as a yoga mat and tries to workout on it. 

She jumped up onto the piano the other day and was pretending to play a song and was up there just singing her heart out.  It was pretty much the cutest. 

She likes to pretend she's reading too and blankie of course...is never too far away :) 

We tried moving her into the boys' room so that Jude could be in her room for a few months and then my husband and I could have our room back...but she didn't handle the switch well and after two weeks we put everything back to how it was.  She was SO happy to be back in her room. 

We went to several different parks this month. 

And went to a few different museums... 

We've tried to play in our backyard but the mosquitoes are SO bad right now.  I look down and I'll have like 6-10 sitting on my legs!  It's terrible. 

So mostly we've hung out inside either ...

watching a cartoon after quiet time & eating ice-cream cones...

 Playing while mommy cooks! 

 Helping mommy cook. 

Snuggles after Mommy works-out. 
  Reading our favorite library books. 

Making homemade pizzas. 

Playing in big boxes. 

Playing games. 

Hanging out in the ergo. 

 Dancing with Daddy.

Being the cutest monkey ever :) 

Lots and lots of coloring. 

Jude learned how to clap and we've all loved watching him get so excited about it. 

We've spent time playing out front since the mosquitoes aren't so bad there & we've taken walks when it wasn't 90 degrees. 

We went to a baseball game.  The boys liked it a lot but Jude and Alanna got bored fast :) 

Cow day was a hit.  Always love getting some free Chick-fil-a 

We loved celebrating Liam's best friend's 4th birthday.  

We had so much fun at a opening night for VBS at my best friend's church. 

Baby girl has been fighting naps a lot lately.  This particular day that she missed a nap she was SO cranky.  I rocked her while I read my book and she crashed out on my lap.  I loved getting snuggle her for a while.  I don't always get to do that so it was a sweet moment.

Alanna's room makes my heart happy :)  I still have some work to do in her room but I love it still.

 And this boy...he loves being snuggled up to mama in the ergo!  I love it too.

We ended the last day of July with two boys with ear infections and a trip to Kid Med.  But I'm so glad I took them in because this mama needs her sleep.  It's thrown my morning schedule for a loop and I hate seeing them not sleeping well.  

We watched Tom & Jerry at Kid Med, got some stickers and candy, then got the meds we needed to get the boys better.

We ended our last day in July with a walk around our neighborhood and Alanna running around like she was a flying horse :)

August brings us back to school and the end to our summer.  Can't wait to see what it brings!

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