We started Liam's 5th birthday celebrations a few days before his birthday when Nathan's parents came up to visit. They couldn't be with us on his actual birthday so they came up a few days before. They brought cupcakes and Liam was so excited about having Happy Birthday sung to him!

He loves sprinkles so he was really excited about that. 

Nathan's parents brought those fun little party toys. Honestly, I think Liam thought that was his gift. He was SO happy about them!  Jude chewed on one the whole party.  I love how kids are so easily entertained and I have decided if I have another baby I won't buy any baby toys because they never want baby toys. 

They gave Liam a big buzz lightyear for his birthday and he was SO happy!  And then we ended the evening going to a Mexican restaurant. 

The night before Liam's birthday Nathan blew up a ton of balloons for him to wake up to!  He wanted a buzz lightyear balloon so bad so I knew he'd be so excited to wake up and see it!

He thought it was amazing! 

Chocolate milk and banana oat pancakes with sprinkles for the birthday boy. He was a little excited :) 

The other kids didn't mind it either. 

We kept the party low key with just our family and then my best friend and her girls. Her daughter Ruby is Liam's best friend so he was so happy to have her there. 

We've pretty much decided their marriage is a done deal :) 

Liam loved his cake but he is determined that he will never be five and will always be four. 

I found this Buzz mask at the party store and it was a hit. 

He asked for Buzz Lightyear wings for months and months. He was SO happy to get some. 

Pizza for lunch and I couldn't get the wings off of him the rest of the day. 

Ruby got him Hungry Hungry Hippo and the kids had so much fun playing that. 

It's so hard to believe he's FIVE! 

Later on after the party we played outside. 

Liam ran around like Buzz flying and then we found a cute little box turtle. 

They had some fun playing in the little pool since it was SO hot. 

I watched from the porch with Jude :) 

And then we ended the night with dinner and of course Buzz Lightyear had to be there too. 

It was a fun, simple birthday just the way Liam likes things.  It's still so hard to believe he's five. It feels like yesterday he was just born.  I'll never forget that moment I first saw his sweet little face.  After 19 hours of natural labor...that moment they handed him to me and seeing him and kissing him for the first time. And then you blink and they seem so grown. I wish I could slow down time.  I'm so proud of him though and love him like crazy. 

Happy 5th Birthday Liam Michael.
We love you!

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