Milla and Mara turned four months old on the 14th. 

 I currently don't know exactly how much they weigh since I haven't taken them to the doctors since they were a week old but I'm assuming they weigh about 11 and 13 pounds based on when I get on the scale without holding them and then when I am holding them while standing on the scale.  Milla still weighs more than Mara but they are almost the same length. Both girls are in 3-6 month clothes now. 

Both girls have started to laugh. Not often but every now and then when I'm talking to them and making certain noises during our conversations, they will laugh (Milla especially).  Mara coos a lot and is very dainty and quiet.  She doesn't try to roll yet and pretty much never cries unless she's incredibly tired.  Milla smiles so big and has the cutest dimples in her cheeks when she does.  She doesn't coo often but makes lots of high pitch excited sounds!  She is so wiggly and yesterday rolled from her back to her stomach and onto her back again for the first time! She cries a lot more than Mara and is a little harder to get to fall asleep for naps and bedtime but overall they are both extremely happy and very content babies. 

They are currently going to bed around 7pm every night. Then they wake up around 1am to nurse and are back asleep around 1:30am.  Then they wake up again around 4:30 or 5am and go back to sleep until around 7am.  Sometimes they will stay up if it's after 5 when they wake up in the morning but usually they aren't.  Then they are able to stay awake for about 1-2 hours at a time and then are back asleep for 2-3 hour naps all throughout the day.  

They need to be swaddled in their halo sleep sacks in order to sleep well.  They sleep in their sleep sacks in these co-sleeping nests.  These are basically the same thing as doc-a-tot only they cost about $25 instead of $180 and they are AMAZING.  I love them so much. I bought at doc-a-tot but literally felt sick about the price so I returned it and got these.  They are perfect. The girls sleep in them next to me in our king size bed.  I can easily reach them but love that they have their own little bed. It's the first time I've been able to get really good sleep during the newborn stage which has been incredible. The twins are my best sleepers and I'm getting more sleep with two newborns than when I had just one baby. I've also been forced to sleep train them because there are two of them which has made a difference as well. 

A few weeks after they were born, we really got a good routine going with tandem nursing and getting up in the middle of the night to nurse them instead of nursing one at a time in bed.  I'll have to do a separate post on how I worked on sleep training them. 

Both girls love to be talked to. They love to be held the most but if not being held they love to to lay on my bed and have someone sit next to them and talk to them. 

They also recently discovered each other and have started smiling and cooing when they see each other. 

They love baths and walks. They like to hold onto things like their pacis, their knitted blankets, or their animals.

They have started to hold hands when they tandem nurse which is the sweetest thing. 

It's been so amazing experiencing all of this with two babies and figuring out how to make things work in the best way. I can't believe it's been four months already! 

Love you two sweet girls to the moon and back! 

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