A PEEK INTO OUR WEEK 9/5/21-9/11/21

It’s been a long time since I consistently wrote on my blog, but I miss this creative outlet so much and am going to be using my blog again on a weekly basis.  Blogging is very different for me than just using IG or FB to write and post things.  My blog is really special to me...like a journal.  Journaling and photography have been two of my biggest passions since I was a little girl.  Blogging is a way for me to combine those two things I love and have a beautiful keepsake for myself and my kids to look back on and remember things.  I probably will never have a large following or anything like that, but that’s ok.  If I can have this space to look back on when I’m old and remember all the things that mattered to me in motherhood...then that will be a success to me :)  

(It’s from the other week as I didn’t get around to posting it when I had finished typing it up.)

Sunday 9/5:  Milla slept through the night last night.  It was her first time sleeping through the night.  Three days ago I decided to drop the girls down to one nap a day and so far it seems to be helping Milla to sleep better.  Mara was already only waking up once a night but Milla has been somewhere between 3-5 times a night since she was born so I’ve been trying to help her start sleeping better.  I hope this is a good sign that I might start to get to sleep more. 

My sister had her twins today.  She had a boy and a girl, both healthy and beautiful.  I can not wait to meet them!

Monday 9/6:  Liam had his first soccer practice ever tonight.  Nathan took him out this morning and got him his cleats and such and then tonight we all went to his first practice.  It was a really nice night and he had a great time.  It was a lot more running than he’s done lately but we’ll work on getting more running in during the week.  I think he’s excited about the season.  

The girls loved being able to get down in the grass! Since the soccer fields have clean grass,  I was able to just let them down to play!  Normally I’m so worried about them eating sticks and acorns and it hurts their legs in our yard, plus it’s hard to keep up with two so I haven’t let them down in our yard much.  They really loved the hour of grass play time.  

Tuesday 9/7:  Today was just a normal day of a slow morning and then school.  We took a walk after school and then came home and relaxed for a bit.  After the kids’ movie was done, I cleaned up some and then went and pushed Jude on the swing.  I’ve barely done that since we moved here.  We don’t like the swing set as it’s very small and the swings are so short and close together.  It’s very hard to use and my husband and I both agree it was a waste of money.  We should have researched better and also built our own.  Anyways...I pushed Jude on the swing which was nice because like I said, I haven’t done that hardly at all since we moved party because of the swing but also partly because I never feel I have time for things like that any more.  I have felt like so many other things take my attention away from moments like this and I have been very saddened by how I have let this happen in my life.  It is not because I have a lot of children...it is because of the need to prioritize things much better than I have been.

We saw an owl while we were out in our backyard.  It was sitting in a tree not far from us.  It looked right at us and then flew off.  We hear him often.  He is a huge owl and so beautiful.

While pushing Jude, Mara woke up from her nap.  I pushed Mara on the swing while wearing her in the ergo.  She giggled and smiled so much.  She loved it.  These simple moments in our every day are my favorite.  

In the evening my husband played on the couch with the girls and the older children while singing songs and all of us laughing as we crowded in on each other.  Milla was being very silly and my husband and I laughed at how we have so much space in this home, yet we all love to be right near each other for most of the day.  It is why we do not fear living in an RV for a good while. 

Wednesday 9/8:  Today was a rainy day spent at home doing school and enjoying listening to the rain.  My son’s soccer practice was canceled which he was very sad about.  Not much happened today other than the normal day to day of school and cooking and cleaning. 

Thursday 9/9:  Today was homeschool day at Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson.  I decided to take the kids since we have been learning about Thomas Jefferson in History this past year.  My oldest son has asked a few times to go and so today seemed like a good day.  I researched before going and felt I could handle going with the twins without my husband’s help.  There were shuttle buses and trails leading to the exhibits and since I’ve done Williamsburg and Jamestown since having the twins, I felt this would be fine too. I WAS WRONG.  

I somehow failed to notice that Monticello is on the top of a mountain...which meant lots of walking UP.  If you have twins or use a double stroller you know how heavy it is and how bulky those strollers are.  Our stroller would not fit on the shuttle bus and neither could we push the stroller up the trails since the trails were so bumpy and my stroller is not a jogging stroller.  We drove 1.5 hours, spent 1.5 hours unloading from the van, nursing, eating lunch, getting checked in, only to realize we would not fit on the bus and would have to go home.  We were all very disappointed but my children handled it very graciously and were very understanding and patient about it.  We all decided we would just find a lightweight, compact, double umbrella stroller and try Monticello again soon.  

I have not encountered many moments since having the twins where I could not do what I set out to do because it was too hard having two babies...but this particular day they won.

The ray of sunshine for my son Liam was that soccer practice had been rescheduled for this night since Wednesday night was rained out.  He was very happy to get to go to practice.  My husband was able to be off work to meet us up there in time and we all hung out on the field together kicking a soccer ball around while Liam practiced.  

Friday 9/10:  My oldest son came home today from his Dad’s house.  It has been two weeks since I saw him last.  He is with us every other weekend now. We spent time outside together this evening and then I made homemade pizza.  My kids, including my oldest son were all very tired and went to bed early.  I watched a video from one of my favorite you tube accounts “the cottage fairy” while sipping hot tea in bed and then went to sleep by 10:30pm.

Saturday 9/11:  Today was my son’s first soccer game.  I am so proud of him for being a part of this team and working so hard.  He used to be so unsure if he ever wanted to play sports but over the recent years has become interested in sports more and so this new adventure for him is fun.  I enjoy seeing him play and being excited about it.  His team won their first game and he loved playing very much.  

We went to the mall later in the afternoon to make some necessary returns.  While at the mall walking with all of our children plus my oldest son’s girlfriend...two women passed by us and one said in disgust

“What is with all these families having 18 children!!!”

It makes me sad to hear such comments.  I absolutely love my children and my big family and in no way do I feel that six children should cause such comments.  I grew up as one of six children and never felt there were very many of us either.  I mean, I know to most people six children seems like a lot, but that is a newer modern approach/view on family.  It was not that long ago many families had four or more children.  

Anyway, my husband and I absolutely love going out with all our children and we headed home with happy hearts from spending time together.  

Well that sums up our simple yet fulfilling week together.

Hope you enjoyed a little peek into our week.

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