This past Saturday, my husband’s parents came up to spend the afternoon with us and watch the boys’ soccer games.  The live about 1.5 hours away from us so it is nice that they are close enough to do day visits with each other often.  

The boys games were so fun to watch.  Liam got to be goalie, which he really loved.  It has been fun watching him play soccer for the first time.  For a long time he didn't really have any interest in playing sports but over the last year or so his desire to play different sports has increased. He did one season of basketball and now is trying soccer.  He says he really loves soccer and wants to continue to play in the future.  

My oldest son Ruy played so well during his game.  He is 14 now and I feel like this season he really started playing differently and enjoying the sport in a new way.  He is so much older, taller, and just looked like a young man out there on the field.  It is definitely so emotional as a mother remembering when your son was seven just starting out playing soccer not really knowing what he was doing and then seeing him seven years later, looking so grown up and playing so well!  

I was very proud of both the boys.  As we were leaving I decided to get a quick picture of them together.  I almost didn't since it was dinner time and everyone was very hungry and tired after a full day on the fields but I'm so glad I took the few minutes to stop and take this picture.

When we got to my oldest son's soccer field, I saw these beautiful pine trees and decided to take a few photos of the girls.  I have barely used my nice camera to take any photos of them since they were born which I regret so much now looking back.  This past week I got my camera out and have been using it daily as my main source for photography instead of my phone.  I love how these photos of the girls turned out.

It is not easy to get one year olds to sit still for pictures but the pine needles and pine cones were enough to distract them for a short amount of time enabling me to be able to take some precious shots that I'll cherish forever. 

Well that is all for now. 

Sending all my love.


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