On December 4, 2021, I took a pregnancy test.  It was the evening of our family pictures. You can see that entire session HERE. We had just gotten home, had dinner, and gotten everyone ready for bed. I was a few days late for my cycle, which my husband usually realizes I'm late if I am, however, this particular time, he did not, and so my handing him a positive pregnancy test did come as a surprise to him.  

I took it alone without telling him I was going to and then called him upstairs and handed it to him.  This was the first time I ever took a test without telling him I was going to.  

Funny story....a few weeks prior, I thought I was pregnant and took multiple pregnancy tests.  They were all negative because I wasn't pregnant yet, but I convinced myself there were two lines on one of the tests.

I showed it to my husband and told him I thought there were two lines.  I said "it's so faint but it's there!!!"  He looked at it for such a long time and tried to see what I was seeing but there was NOT two lines.  I was just seeing things because I'd convinced myself I was pregnant :) When I got up in the morning and looked at it again, it was definitely not two lines and we both laughed about it for a long time.

Fast forward a few weeks and a cycle later and there was the positive pregnancy test.

We decided to keep our news to ourselves for a little while.  I think I wanted to come up with some epic way to tell the kids but I think I stressed myself out with that.  Keeping things simple is probably just the best way to go, especially when you're a fairly simple person like I am. 

After stressing way too much over how to tell them, I finally was just like "this is silly!"  We told the kids while we were on our vacation trip in PA back in December. 

At this point I was about 5 or 6 weeks pregnant and still feeling normal, no nausea or extra tiredness.  That started about two weeks later. 

It was the morning we were heading home.  I told the kids I wanted a picture of them in front of the river that was on the property we stayed at.  While I was taking the picture I said "ok everyone say cheese" (which I honestly never ever tell them to do) and then said "ok everyone say Mom's having a baby!!!"  

My oldest had already guessed I was pregnant so he wasn't surprised, Jude and Alanna just stood there because it was very cold out and they didn't really process what I'd said for a few moments, Liam yelled "Mom's having a baby!" thinking I was kidding...

He then said "wait, you're having a baby?! Mom's having a baby!"  :) 

Once we got into the van and everyone was warm the kids started to acknowledge what I'd told them.  They were all excited and taking bets on if it would be one, two, or three babies.

Alanna and Ruy wanted twins, Jude and Liam wanted triplets, Nathan and I said "just one baby...there's no way we're having twins again."

On that trip home, I did start looking up the stats on the chances of having twins again after having fraternal twins.  The chances drastically increase and I did start to wonder if it would happen again, but at that point thought..."surely no, it wouldn't happen to us." 


to be continued...



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