Alanna's One Year Pictures

Alanna's first birthday crept up on me so fast.  I really can not believe that a whole year has gone by since I first held her in my arms.  She is the sweetest little girl and Nathan and I are so crazy in love with her.  She melts our hearts and has changed our world all over again for the third time but she has made it oh so much better!  All of, her Daddy, and her two big brothers completely adore her and are so thankful to have her in our lives.  

These pictures were something I planned for months.  I spent a lot of time picking out her bows, headbands, dresses, tutus, shoes, cake, locations, timing, etc.  I had specific visions in my head of what I wanted her first birthday pictures to look like and I am so very happy with how all of them turned out.  I had so much fun dressing her up for these and sharing in this special time in her life.  I have felt a little emotional about my Baby Girl turning one...

They grow up so fast.  Cherish every moment, even the sleepless nights...
those moments are fleeting and will soon be gone. 
 Kiss them as much as possible.  Hug them often.  Laugh with them.  Cry with them.  Hold them.  Teach them.  Train them.  Always be there when they need you.  Forgive every time.  Apologize.
and love them. 

Happy First Birthday Alanna Colette

I love you with all my heart!

*The pictures of Alanna and me were taken by my best friend Kim Norman & edited by me.  I was so blessed to have her here to take these for me.  I had a vision of what I wanted them to look like and she captured it so well for me.  All of the other pictures without me in them were taken by me.


  1. How sweet! Happy birthday to your little girl! And your hair is so lovely, by the way! :-)

  2. Oh my goodness! I found myself with the biggest smile on my fave when I had finished looking through this post. :). Your baby girl is absolutely precious.

  3. Thank you Marci! I'm glad you enjoyed them!
