Looking Back On Alanna's First Year

On the Eve of Alanna's First Birthday, I wanted to go back and remember some of my favorite moments.  I can not believe that tomorrow my Sweet Pea will be one!  I love that little girl more than words will ever be able to explain.  She has brought so much joy into all of our lives.

These were the last two "belly shots" I had taken about a week before you were born.  I loved my pregnancy with you.  I felt beautiful for the first time being pregnant.  I had some difficulties to my pregnancy with you but I still loved it.  I loved feeling you move and kick inside of me.  I love imagining what you would look like, what color hair you would have, what color eyes, how little your fingers and toes would be.  I loved imagining how sweet you would smell and how good it will feel to kiss your tiny lips.  Pregnancy is a such a miracle and I feel blessed to have been able to experience it three times already.

And then...you were here!

You were perfect.  And I loved you so much from the moment I first saw you...even more than I already did. 

We all loved you so much.  You completely melted Daddy's heart.  And your brothers adored you. 

And then we got to bring you home...

 You just chilled out your first night home while your brothers had some much needed wrestling time with Daddy.

 You looked pretty cute on your first trip to the mall! 


Before Jill came to take your newborn pictures, I took a few on my own. 

Then Jill of Heartlove Photography came and did an amazing job with your newborn pictures.  I was SO thankful for her driving all the way from Maryland to do your pictures.  She is incredible. 

 You had your first Thanksgiving and you were just too cute in your little turkey outfit. 

 One Month Old

And then it was Christmas! 
...you slept through the whole thing. 

And then it was the New Year.  

And you were Two months old! 

You got sick for the first time

You met Granny and Poppop.  They loved you so much. 

Your first Valentine's Day...your first rose...and Three months old. 

Fun with Grammy and Pappy

Moved into your own room

You were excited to be Four Months Old

 Five Months Old

Daddy's College Graduation

 Six Months Old

Your first trip to the beach! 

Granddad's wedding reception.  You were so beautiful!

Father's Day

Playing outside...

Seven Months Old

 Eight Months Old

Pool fun at Grammy & Pappy's
Love that facial expression.  You always wrinkle up your nose like this! 

You have loved looking out the front door since you learned how to crawl.

 Nine Months Old

Big girl walking!

Ten Months Old

Eleven Months Old
This picture melts my heart.  Your smile is so beautiful Baby girl! 

And tomorrow...tomorrow you will turn ONE!!! 

This has been the best year of my life!  I am so proud of you and love you so much.  I can not wait to celebrate your first year of life tomorrow! 

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