Happening Lately

Happening lately:

Alanna likes to eat.  Her favorite thing right now is black beans with a little chicken and sour cream.  She devours it.  She  ends up with black beans and sour cream smeared all over her face and sometimes in her hair.  She likes to pick up her food on her own.  She doesn't like being spoon fed unless it's something she really likes.  She loves her sippy cup.  She loves to have her toes up on the tray while she eats.  She is only nursing three times during the day now and 1-2 times at night.  She has weaned herself which has been strange after having to force Liam to wean. 

Liam is his typically hyper, happy, sweet, crazy self.  He loves having me chase him outside and watch him go down the slide or push him on the swings.  He also loves crawling around on the ground with Alanna and making her chase him.  

His favorite song right now is "The Fruit of the Spirit" song.  He learned it at church in his class and was always singing it so I had to youtube it.  He got SO excited when the song started playing.  He couldn't stop smiling and clapping! Now we listen to it multiple times daily.  The boys and I love this song and get a good laugh out of it while learning valuable Bible truth.   

I have been wanting to get Liam a "big boy" bike and I was at Kid to Kid a week or so ago and found this little bike for Liam.  It was only $12.  Yes thank you!  He loves it so much.

Duke is still being as patient as ever.  I swear he deals with more than most dogs would.  He has been there for all three of my babies growing up and all of them have pinched him, hit him, pulled on his ears, taken his food out of his bowl, chewed on his bones, sat on him, tried to ride him...but he never bites them.  He can usually be found laying next to one of them or licking them.  Both Ruy and Liam's first word other than Mama Dada and No No...was Duke!  They called him "Doo."  Alanna stood on Duke today so that she could climb onto the couch.  And all he did was a little groan.  They all love him so much.  Some days he gets on my nerves really bad but I love that dog. 

Ruy has done so well in soccer this year.  We've been so proud of him.  This Saturday is his last game.  I will miss his games but with the cold weather now here, it's best that it's coming to an end. 

 The boys were really excited about going to the Trunk or Treat at our church.  We bought them pumpkin buckets which Liam loved.  I put him into the bath tub and when I turned around, "hat" was chillin' on his pumpkin. 

When Halloween came around though...at 4AM to be exact, Liam woke up screaming.  He had thrown up in his bed.  He had a fever too.  I cleaned him up, cleaned up his bed, and put him on the floor in my room in a sleeping bag.  I got the same thing he had and we both spent Halloween with a fever and feeling pretty cold and achy.  We did manage to get outside and play for a bit but other than that, Liam sat on the couch the rest of the day. So needless to say, we didn't go trick or treating that night, nor did we make it to our churches trunk or treat the next day.  Our fevers broke late Friday night but I didn't want to risk getting anyone else sick.  

Not much has been going on since Halloween.  Just the usual...school, playing, nature walks, church, sports...etc. Oh and the boys have really gotten into the PBS show Wild Kratts.  Liam and Ruy love pretending that they have creature power suits on.  Liam got these new pjs that had animals on it and he think they are the greatest thing.  He says they are his "creature power" jammies.  

When Ruy's not outside playing "army", he can be found playing legos.  He loves his legos.  He will spend hours building and creating things.  He built this train and set the whole scene up and then wanted me to take pictures of it. He's getting too big!


 Well that's what's been happening lately with us.  I'm looking forward to Ruy's last soccer game of the season and his soccer party, church, and maybe a trip to the mall to get my ring inspected.  

Happy Friday's Eve!


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