Family Christmas Session

At the end of November we went to a local tree farm to buy our Christmas tree.  I was so excited because we have never cut our own tree before and it's  something I have always wanted to do.  We usually just get a live tree from Kroger or Food Lion, but I really wanted to start a new tradition of cutting our own tree.  The boys were super excited.  It was a beautiful the 60's and I had high hopes of getting our family Christmas pictures while we were there.

My hopes of getting a family picture or any picture for that matter were quickly crushed though.  Alanna cried the entire time we were there.  She is usually so happy but she was just so upset the entire time we were there.  After 30 minutes of trying to set up the tripod and get the kids to cooperate, I told my husband it was pointless.  So we gave up on the idea of getting a family picture and just went and cut down a tree.  We picked out an adorable little 6 foot tree.  The boys helped cut it down and carry it.  Despite the bad picture experience, the boys had a great time and decided we need to cut our own tree every year!

I had decided just to forget about getting any Christmas pictures at all this year but then my best friend said she was coming into town and offered to help me out.  My best friend has such a huge love for photographer just like I do so we help each other out a lot.  It has been so fun working with each other. I took advantage of her offer and we met up at the Christmas Tree Farm Saturday evening.  I'm so happy with how all the pictures turned out.  Liam was SO unbelievably cranky the whole time but even with him crying through most of the time we were there...we got some really beautiful pictures.  

I realized when we got home that Liam just needed some "snuggle time" with me.  We had been really busy Saturday and I hadn't been able to spend much one-on-one time with him, so by the time we got to the tree farm, he was feeling really sad.  Once I spent a few minutes reading to him and snuggling him, he was fine.  I wish I would have done that before the session, but now I know for our future sessions :) are my favorites from our session.  I hope you enjoy them.  

*Pictures taken by Kim will have a photo credit, all unmarked pictures were taken by me.
All were edited my me.  

Photo Credit: Kim Norman

Photo Credit: Kim Norman

Photo Credit: Kim Norman

Photo Credit: Kim Norman

Photo Credit: Kim Norman

Photo Credit: Kim Norman

Photo Credit: Kim Norman

Photo Credit: Kim Norman

Photo Credit: Kim Norman

Photo Credit: Kim Norman

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