Making Christmas Cookies With Nana

On Monday my Mom came over and made Christmas cookies with the boys.  They made the same cookies that I used to make with my Mom when I was little.  She even brought over the same cookie cutters we used to have when I was a kid.  The boys were so excited about making cookies with "Nana" they could hardly wait for this past Monday to arrive. 
 She surprised them with adorable little aprons that she had monogrammed their names onto.  My mom just recently started monogramming and wanted to practice.  I love how they turned out.  The boys loved them too.
She also brought Christmas Tea and cookies with dip.  Both Ruy and Liam wanted to have tea.  Liam drank his so fast.  He said "Oh I love tea and coffee."  He's only tasted a sip of my coffee twice but thinks it's just about the greatest thing. 

We spent the morning making cookies, telling stories, listening to Christmas music...and eating more than a few too many cookies :) 

After lunch, we headed outside and Liam finally went "high" on the swing.  He told my Mom he wanted to "go high like Bubby!"  And he did.  He was so proud of himself. 

Ruy pushed Alanna on the swing for a while and ran around swinging his Samurai sword that Nathan brought him home from China.

We played tag and Mother-May-I and just enjoyed the nice weather.  After that my Mom headed home, Alanna went down for her afternoon nap, and I did school with the boys.  We spent the evening just hanging out as a family, reading books, and playing games.  It was such a fun day.

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