Our Christmas 2014 {Part 1}

I remember as a child it seemed to take forever for Christmas to finally arrive.  Now as an adult a year just seems to come and go before I can even blink.  I love the kids excitement though.  And I love picking out all their gifts...imagining how much they will love everything. This was one of my favorite Christmas' ever.

Christmas Eve Nathan's parents came up and spent the night with us.  The kids were so anxious about seeing their Grammy and Pappy.  Once they finally arrived...they all lined up at the front door to greet them.  Nothing better then seeing those sweet faces looking at you through the door.  It makes you feel so loved!

Grammy & Pappy brought presents for everyone.  The kids loved everything they got.  

The boys made ornaments for Nathan's parents.  They were so proud of them. 

We had planned on starting a fire in the fire pit that evening and making smores but it rained all day and we weren't able to.  We still let the kids eat all the smores stuff inside though. 

I made Chocolate Kiss Cherry cookies that afternoon.  They must have been good because they didn't even last 24 hours. 

Nathan had to work Christmas again this year so we waited until the 26th to celebrate our Christmas as a family.  So Christmas morning after Nathan went to work, Nathan's parents took the kids and me to I-Hop for breakfast.  I got Pumpkin Cheesecake Pancakes.  I thought I died and went to Heaven :)  Seriously, they were incredible. 

Nathan's parents went home around noon.  It was so nice out I decided to take the kids on a walk.  

This girl...I love her.
That smile...her laugh...

Nathan recently put the tray and straps back on the radio flyer bike so that Alanna could start riding in it.  She was SO excited about it when I put her in it for our walk. 

Liam found "the big hole" and was really excited to see that it is even bigger than it was back when we took our last walk.  It's been about 2 months since we went on a walk.  The weather has been too cold most days to take a walk or something else has come up.  

Liam can ride the bike by himself but I still leave the parent handle on his bike because he gets scared going down the hills on our street so it allows me to help him easier.  Seeing the two of them side by side like this makes Alanna look so big.  She is growing up so fast! 

That evening the two littles talked with thier Daddy on the phone while we all waited for Ruy to come home.  Alanna also thought that she could steal a few ornaments off the tree without me noticing.  

Ruy came home and we were all excited about celebrating Christmas the next morning.  Everyone went to bed feeling very happy and anxious.  I tried to grab a quick picture of the kids before I tucked them all in bed but it was kind of difficult.  Duke wanted to be on top of the kids and Alanna and Liam had no interest in holding still.  But I love how they turned out anyways :)

Our Christmas Day story to be continued...

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