10 weeks

Weeks pregnant: 10
Weight gained: 8 pounds
Gender: We will find out in about 10 weeks!!! YAY can't wait! 
Maternity clothes:  Yes I pulled out my maternity leggings and my maternity cardigans.  Not because I don't still fit in my regular ones, just because I wanted some extra things to wear:)
Sleep:  I am waking up to go to the bathroom 1-4 times a night.  Alanna will either sleep through the night or wake up 1-2 times.  Sometimes she goes right back to sleep, other times she cries for over an hour.  Liam even still wakes me up sometimes just because something is off in his little sleeping world, so I have to calm him down tuck him back into bed and then he is good.  So nighttime is not always so restful for me but I am thankful for the amount of sleep I do get because I know once this baby gets here, I will be running on about 4 hours of sleep a night if I'm lucky!
Best moment this month:  Hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time.
Worst moment this month: How tired I have been.  With three kids, homeschooling, and a husband who is gone a lot, it's SO important that I have a lot of energy and it's just been really hard some days.
Miss anything:  My low carb ice cream.  It's sweetened with splenda and you're not supposed to have splenda when you're pregnant so I stopped eating it.  But I used to eat it 3-4 times a week so that has been hard.  I've had way too much regular ice cream the past few weeks and I'm definitely feeling the effects of it.
Movement:  No movement yet.  The earliest I've felt one of the babies move was 14 weeks.  But I can't wait.
Cravings:  Chick-fil-a & icecream  (always) It's become a problem.
Queasy or sick:  The smell of certain foods has really bothered me and I have lost a lot of my desire to cook but I'm trying to get back on track with everything.
Looking forward to:  Buying an outfit for the baby once I find out what gender it is!

Liam also informed me this week that he wants to name the baby Frosty the Snowman!  I kind of like it :)  What do you think?  We have a boy's name picked out but we haven't set in stone a girl's name.  Any suggestions???

Catching Up & My First Appointment

It's been about three weeks since I blogged last.  Things got a little crazy around here when all three of my kids got the flu.  It took a good two weeks or so to go through each of my kids and for all of them to be better.  Their fevers would be gone for 24 hours and then come back again.  This went on for about a week with each kid.  We stayed at home for nearly two weeks straight.  The last week they were sick was the first week of warm weather around here.  I was so thankful for that.  Because even though we were stuck at home, at least we got to go outside and enjoy the weather.  Just when I was thinking that the kids would never ever be well again... they all were.  

Here a some pictures during the past three weeks.  I didn't take my camera out much during that time because well, I just didn't have energy for much of anything.  

Alanna loves Ruy.  She gets so excited when she sees him and she loves to come sit on his lap when he's sitting on the floor.  He is so good with her. 

One of the days Ruy and Liam were sick, they decided they wanted to go outside for a little bit.  Liam wanted to play baseball so Ruy was showing him how to hit off the tee.  He was giving him all sorts of tips.  It was really cute and sweet.  I loved watching Ruy help Liam in the same way that Nathan helped Ruy learn about baseball.   I think they overdid it a bit that afternoon though because both of their fevers came back higher that evening after playing.  And don't you just love Liam's outfit....Too small animal pj's, and snow boots :) 

We only got through three days of school out of ten, so Ruy spent a lot of time resting on the couch, reading, and playing legos, and dressing as a ninja.  

This week has been very enjoyable now that we are all healthy.  We went to church Sunday and then spent the afternoon cleaning up the yard some and just playing outside.  Monday we stayed at home and got school done.  Tuesday we took a field trip to Colonial Williamsburg.  It was 75 degrees outside and I just wanted to take the kids somewhere and do something fun.  We got season passes this year.  The kids had a really good time.  Next time we are going to map out our day though before we go I think.  There are so many exhibits and I think we only saw like four in the three hours we were there.  We had to take lots of "rests" for Liam because his legs were getting "really tired." and we stopped for snacks a few times as well.  But that's how it is when you have three sweet little munchkins. 

Yesterday was my first appointment with my midwife.  Nathan and I took the kids so we could all hear the heartbeat for the first time.  I thought it was difficult when I was pregnant with Alanna to take two kids to my appointments...three kids is even harder :) I may have to ask my Mom to watch them during my next appointment.  But we were all happy to hear baby's heartbeat.  I always feel so much at peace once I know baby is healthy and safe.  I was 9 weeks pregnant as of yesterday but no I didn't get a baby bump picture.  I know...I'm really slacking with this baby.  I just can't seem to remember to ask Ruy or Nathan to snap a quick picture for me.  Baby is due October 21, 2015. 

Today we did school and spent some time outside.  It's supposed to rain all day tomorrow so I wanted to make sure we got some outside time in today.  Tonight was also Ruy's first baseball practice.  His other three practices got rained out so he was very excited to finally get to go to practice.  Of course I forgot to get a picture of his first practice too.  See...seriously I'm slacking.  Or maybe just really tired from keeping up with three kids, homeschooling, and being pregnant???? Who knows :)

Tomorrow my sister is coming over for the day.  I'm so excited because when she was here two weeks ago, all the kids were sick and I couldn't see her and it had been three months since we had seen each other.  So I'm really really looking forward to a fun weekend with her and all my favorite nieces and nephews! 

Ruy Has Lost His Two Front Teeth

A few weeks ago I was sitting on the couch next to Ruy.  He was giggling about something but I kept looking at him thinking something looked different about him.  Then I realized he had a little gap in his front teeth from where his two loose front teeth were pushing out.  It looked so cute.  I just sat there imagining how adorable he would look when they finally fell out.  Over the next two weeks, he wiggled and messed with those teeth so much.  

Sunday night I asked him if he thought his teeth were ready to come out yet.  He said "no they aren't loose enough."  I got him tucked into bed and then about five minutes later I heard his door open.  He came walking down the hallway with a little grin on his face.  I thought he was going to try to come up with some reason as to why he needed to stay up a little longer.  But then he smiled really big and I could see the hole and all the blood!  He had no idea he was bleeding.  But he was so proud of himself for pulling out that tooth!  I said "Oh wow!  Your tooth!  I quick got up and took him to the bathroom and helped him clean up the blood.  While I helped him clean up, he told me all about how he twisted and pulled to get it out :)  I put his tooth in a little baggie and got him tucked into bed again.  Then about 20 minutes later he came back out of his room with the other tooth in his hand!  Yep...he pulled both teeth.  I'm totally ok with him pulling out his own teeth.  I really have no desire to sit there and pull a tooth out of anyone's mouth. Nathan, Ruy, and I sat there and laughed for a few minutes because he just looked so stinkin' cute without his two front teeth and he sounded so cute when he talked.  We got him cleaned up the second time and tucked back into bed for the third time.  

Before I went to bed, I went into Ruy's room to leave some money under his pillow.  He had his hand under his pillow making it really hard to grab the little bag with his teeth in it.  I finally managed to get the bag out from under his pillow and put the money in its place.  I left him $6.  Normally he only get's $2 a tooth but I was feeling overly generous that night :)  Front teeth are a big deal!!!  

It's hard to believe his little front teeth are gone.  It feels like yesterday that they just came in!  

Weekly Menu Plan

 It's been a while since I posted our weekly menu plan.  I included the links to some of the recipes I am using this week.  Enjoy!

Menu for the week of Sunday March 1-  Friday March 6

Breakfast:  Yogurt with fruit, toast with jelly (E) Everyone
Snack:  Me- No Snack, Kids- Snack at church
Lunch:  Chili with cheddar cheese and sour cream (E + crossover) Everyone
Snack:  Peanuts (S) Everyone 
Dinner:  Me-  Chicken wings and salad (S) Kids- Leftover Pizza and strawberries
Dessert:  No dessert

Breakfast:  Me- Chocolate Muffin In a Mug with yogurt & cream cheese frosting (S)  Kids: Deceitfully Healthful Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Muffins
Snack:  Popcorn (E) Everyone
Lunch:  Me:  Turkey Sandwich, yogurt with bluberries (E)  Kids- PB&J, yogurt with fruit
Snack:  Me- PB Greek yogurt (S)  Kids-  Raisons & apple slices
Dinner:  Baked Salmon, sweet potatoes, green beans (E) Everyone
Dessert:  Cottage Berry Whip (FP)

Breakfast:  Scrambled eggs with cheese, turkey bacon, fruit (S) Everyone
Snack:  Me:  yogurt with blueberries (E) Kids- PB Chocolate Chip Granola Bars
Lunch:  Pizza Quesadillas, carrots with ranch, fruit (E) Everyone
Snack:  Me-  apple with dip (E)  Kids- raisons & apple slices
Dinner:  Cici's with family

Breakfast:  Me:  Trim Healthy Mama Pancakes with syrup & fruit (E)  Kids:  Pancakes with syrup & fruit
Snack:  String cheese, veggies with ranch (S) Everyone
Lunch:  Me- Grilled cheese wrap, yogurt with fruit (S) Kids- Grilled cheese sandwich, Smoothie
Snack:  popcorn (E) Everyone
Dinner:  Turkey Tacos (E) Everyone
Dessert:  Icecream (cheat)

Breakfast:  Blueberry overnight oatmeal (E) Everyone
Snack:  peanuts & string cheese (S) Everyone
Lunch:  Turkey Paninis, fruit (E) Everyone
Snack:  Me- cottage berry whip (FP) Kids- Smoothies
Dinner:  Chicken Alfredo with peas (S) Everyone

Breakfast:  Fried eggs, turkey bacon, fruit (S) Everyone
Snack:  Roasted chick peas (E)  Muffins
Lunch:  Me- Salad, fruit (E or S)  Kids- Mac & cheese, carrots and ranch
Snack:  Me- PB yogurt Kids- PB Chocolate Chip Granola Bars
Dinner:  Homemade Pizza & Salad (E) Everyone
Dessert:  Kim's Baby Shower

Desserts to make for the kids:
Peanut Butter Chocolate Covered Banana Bites

Desserts to make for me and Nathan:  *I'm waiting for my THM sweetener to arrive so depending on when that happens I might not be able to make these this week.