Ruy Has Lost His Two Front Teeth

A few weeks ago I was sitting on the couch next to Ruy.  He was giggling about something but I kept looking at him thinking something looked different about him.  Then I realized he had a little gap in his front teeth from where his two loose front teeth were pushing out.  It looked so cute.  I just sat there imagining how adorable he would look when they finally fell out.  Over the next two weeks, he wiggled and messed with those teeth so much.  

Sunday night I asked him if he thought his teeth were ready to come out yet.  He said "no they aren't loose enough."  I got him tucked into bed and then about five minutes later I heard his door open.  He came walking down the hallway with a little grin on his face.  I thought he was going to try to come up with some reason as to why he needed to stay up a little longer.  But then he smiled really big and I could see the hole and all the blood!  He had no idea he was bleeding.  But he was so proud of himself for pulling out that tooth!  I said "Oh wow!  Your tooth!  I quick got up and took him to the bathroom and helped him clean up the blood.  While I helped him clean up, he told me all about how he twisted and pulled to get it out :)  I put his tooth in a little baggie and got him tucked into bed again.  Then about 20 minutes later he came back out of his room with the other tooth in his hand!  Yep...he pulled both teeth.  I'm totally ok with him pulling out his own teeth.  I really have no desire to sit there and pull a tooth out of anyone's mouth. Nathan, Ruy, and I sat there and laughed for a few minutes because he just looked so stinkin' cute without his two front teeth and he sounded so cute when he talked.  We got him cleaned up the second time and tucked back into bed for the third time.  

Before I went to bed, I went into Ruy's room to leave some money under his pillow.  He had his hand under his pillow making it really hard to grab the little bag with his teeth in it.  I finally managed to get the bag out from under his pillow and put the money in its place.  I left him $6.  Normally he only get's $2 a tooth but I was feeling overly generous that night :)  Front teeth are a big deal!!!  

It's hard to believe his little front teeth are gone.  It feels like yesterday that they just came in!  

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