Catching Up & My First Appointment

It's been about three weeks since I blogged last.  Things got a little crazy around here when all three of my kids got the flu.  It took a good two weeks or so to go through each of my kids and for all of them to be better.  Their fevers would be gone for 24 hours and then come back again.  This went on for about a week with each kid.  We stayed at home for nearly two weeks straight.  The last week they were sick was the first week of warm weather around here.  I was so thankful for that.  Because even though we were stuck at home, at least we got to go outside and enjoy the weather.  Just when I was thinking that the kids would never ever be well again... they all were.  

Here a some pictures during the past three weeks.  I didn't take my camera out much during that time because well, I just didn't have energy for much of anything.  

Alanna loves Ruy.  She gets so excited when she sees him and she loves to come sit on his lap when he's sitting on the floor.  He is so good with her. 

One of the days Ruy and Liam were sick, they decided they wanted to go outside for a little bit.  Liam wanted to play baseball so Ruy was showing him how to hit off the tee.  He was giving him all sorts of tips.  It was really cute and sweet.  I loved watching Ruy help Liam in the same way that Nathan helped Ruy learn about baseball.   I think they overdid it a bit that afternoon though because both of their fevers came back higher that evening after playing.  And don't you just love Liam's outfit....Too small animal pj's, and snow boots :) 

We only got through three days of school out of ten, so Ruy spent a lot of time resting on the couch, reading, and playing legos, and dressing as a ninja.  

This week has been very enjoyable now that we are all healthy.  We went to church Sunday and then spent the afternoon cleaning up the yard some and just playing outside.  Monday we stayed at home and got school done.  Tuesday we took a field trip to Colonial Williamsburg.  It was 75 degrees outside and I just wanted to take the kids somewhere and do something fun.  We got season passes this year.  The kids had a really good time.  Next time we are going to map out our day though before we go I think.  There are so many exhibits and I think we only saw like four in the three hours we were there.  We had to take lots of "rests" for Liam because his legs were getting "really tired." and we stopped for snacks a few times as well.  But that's how it is when you have three sweet little munchkins. 

Yesterday was my first appointment with my midwife.  Nathan and I took the kids so we could all hear the heartbeat for the first time.  I thought it was difficult when I was pregnant with Alanna to take two kids to my appointments...three kids is even harder :) I may have to ask my Mom to watch them during my next appointment.  But we were all happy to hear baby's heartbeat.  I always feel so much at peace once I know baby is healthy and safe.  I was 9 weeks pregnant as of yesterday but no I didn't get a baby bump picture.  I know...I'm really slacking with this baby.  I just can't seem to remember to ask Ruy or Nathan to snap a quick picture for me.  Baby is due October 21, 2015. 

Today we did school and spent some time outside.  It's supposed to rain all day tomorrow so I wanted to make sure we got some outside time in today.  Tonight was also Ruy's first baseball practice.  His other three practices got rained out so he was very excited to finally get to go to practice.  Of course I forgot to get a picture of his first practice too.  See...seriously I'm slacking.  Or maybe just really tired from keeping up with three kids, homeschooling, and being pregnant???? Who knows :)

Tomorrow my sister is coming over for the day.  I'm so excited because when she was here two weeks ago, all the kids were sick and I couldn't see her and it had been three months since we had seen each other.  So I'm really really looking forward to a fun weekend with her and all my favorite nieces and nephews! 

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