10 weeks

Weeks pregnant: 10
Weight gained: 8 pounds
Gender: We will find out in about 10 weeks!!! YAY can't wait! 
Maternity clothes:  Yes I pulled out my maternity leggings and my maternity cardigans.  Not because I don't still fit in my regular ones, just because I wanted some extra things to wear:)
Sleep:  I am waking up to go to the bathroom 1-4 times a night.  Alanna will either sleep through the night or wake up 1-2 times.  Sometimes she goes right back to sleep, other times she cries for over an hour.  Liam even still wakes me up sometimes just because something is off in his little sleeping world, so I have to calm him down tuck him back into bed and then he is good.  So nighttime is not always so restful for me but I am thankful for the amount of sleep I do get because I know once this baby gets here, I will be running on about 4 hours of sleep a night if I'm lucky!
Best moment this month:  Hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time.
Worst moment this month: How tired I have been.  With three kids, homeschooling, and a husband who is gone a lot, it's SO important that I have a lot of energy and it's just been really hard some days.
Miss anything:  My low carb ice cream.  It's sweetened with splenda and you're not supposed to have splenda when you're pregnant so I stopped eating it.  But I used to eat it 3-4 times a week so that has been hard.  I've had way too much regular ice cream the past few weeks and I'm definitely feeling the effects of it.
Movement:  No movement yet.  The earliest I've felt one of the babies move was 14 weeks.  But I can't wait.
Cravings:  Chick-fil-a & icecream  (always) It's become a problem.
Queasy or sick:  The smell of certain foods has really bothered me and I have lost a lot of my desire to cook but I'm trying to get back on track with everything.
Looking forward to:  Buying an outfit for the baby once I find out what gender it is!

Liam also informed me this week that he wants to name the baby Frosty the Snowman!  I kind of like it :)  What do you think?  We have a boy's name picked out but we haven't set in stone a girl's name.  Any suggestions???

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