I say it every year but I really just can't believe how big Ruy is getting!  NINE...that's just one year before he hits double digits!  And then after that he's officially a big boy and I just can't handle that!  It feels like yesterday I was holding him for the first time and now he's nine.  

For Ruy's actual birthday it was just our family.  We had a quiet little party for him on that Sunday evening with cake and presents.

And then the following Saturday we had a birthday party for him where several of his little friends came.  Ruy wanted a Lego Party so I did the best I could on a tight budget to make that happen.  We hung legos up, used legos to hold the forks, put legos on the table to play with and...I attempted to make my own homemade lego cake.  It didn't come out perfect but the boys knew what it was supposed to look like and Ruy loved it so that was all that mattered to me.

I was all worried about maybe I should have planned games for the boys to play but running around in the woods and playing legos on the table was all they wanted to do.  Ruy loved all of his gifts (which was mostly legos of course :)  and all the boys had such a great time playing.  It was a really relaxing party and I'm so happy with how it turned out.

The only thing I was bummed about was that a few days before Ruy's birthday party my nice camera lens got broken and so I wasn't able to use my "big girl" camera for pictures on his birthday or his party.  So the old point and shoot camera had to do this year.  But I'm thankful to have the memories saved through these pictures anyway!

Happy 9th Birthday Ruy!!!
We love you so much and are so proud of the little man you are growing to be!

1 comment

  1. Happy late birthday :) Love the LEGO theme. I have a May baby too, he turned 18!
