10 Year Anniversary Camping Trip

I remember when Nathan and I got married.  We couldn’t afford a big honey moon because we’d spent $6000 on our wedding and had no money leftover for the dream honey moon to Hawaii that I really wanted.  So we said on our 10 year we’d do something big like that!

Back then at 21, 10 years seemed like F.O.R.E.V.E.R away.  And then you blink and all of a sudden you’re 31, have gray hairs, and a whole ‘lotta kids!  And are looking back like “OMG how did 10 years already pass!?”  But seriously...I can’t believe it’s been 10 years already. 

We’ve gone through so much as a couple the last 10 years and I feel in this past year we’ve grown in our marriage more than any of the other years combined.  Marriage takes work. Lots of love. Lots of communication.  Lots of learning what the other person needs to feel loved.  Lots of patience.  Lots of growing and learning.  We’ve had our share of struggles but overcame them and are more in love now then the day we got married.  We’ve had so many amazing times and are so excited for what the next 10 years has for us. 

When we were trying to decide what to do for our anniversary... we knew we couldn’t do anything huge like Hawaii (one day we will but it wasn’t something we could do this year) and I really didn’t want to do anything fancy.  I’ve been wanting to get into camping and hiking as a family so we decided to go on our first camping trip together. 

I love being  near the water so we picked a spot near VA beach and reserved a tent spot.  Nathan’s parents have a ton of camping stuff so they let us borrow all their stuff and watched the kids for us for two nights.  We went to VA Beach for our little weekend getaway honeymoon.  Here's a picture of us when we were 21 at VA beach.

We had planned on getting to the campsite by 5pm but of course…between taking the dogs to their spot to be watched, packing, and dropping off the kids, then having to pick up a few more things we needed, and get groceries…we didn’t get to the campsite until almost 8pm. 

We ended up having to set up the tent in the dark. (And by WE I mean Nathan  ) ok I helped a little but really had no clue what to do.  I think next time I’ll be more helpful now that I know what to expect.  Thankfully there was a big light behind our tent from the street or it might have been hard to set up the tent at 8:30pm in the dark.  

Our campsite was a cute little spot in the trees and so thankful I found a spot near the bathhouse because I wake up ALL night needing to go so …. We needed to be close to the bathhouse.  

We made our own coffee and breakfast both mornings which was fun.  

I got a morning stretch workout in which was super relaxing...

And then We had some time at the beach which was beautiful! I forgot to take any pictures of it but that's ok :) 

Later that afternoon when a storm was supposed to roll in we went to the aquarium.  

Dinner was at a little restaurant by the bay with a beautiful view.  It was still raining most of the time we were there so we sat inside but were able to get a picture before we left once the rain stopped. 

I wanted to get back pretty bad to check on the tent and make sure it was still standing after the big storm.

It was…but rain had gotten inside.  So instead of taking a walk on the beach after dinner, we ended up at the laundry mat drying out our blankets and having sundae’s from McDonald’s  

I was so tired from not sleeping well the first night so I was struggling internally to go back out to the laundry mat when I really wanted a little walk and then BED but I made it through.  I came from from the laundry mat and crashed out immediately with the lantern still on.  I slept really the second night since it was cooler, which meant I could wrap up in a blanket, and we had more air in the air mattress. 

We got up and watched the sunrise and took a walk on the water.

I missed the kids pretty terribly and I am not sure I talked about anything else but them the entire time we were gone.  We even saw a little boy in Food Lion with buzz lightyear wings on and I was like “omg Liam :(!”  Haha yes, I’m that mom that just LOVES to be with her kiddos.  Some think that’s weird but I really do love being around my kids a lot.  

I’m so glad Nathan and I got the time alone together!  We had so much fun! but I also can’t wait to experience camping with the kids as a family!!!  We’ve already planned out a family vacation with the kids and I am excited for starting new traditions with them! 

Some people were surprised I went camping but honestly guys…I’m not super high maintenance. I love nature and animals and simplicity.  And while yes, sometimes I enjoy dressing up and the fancier things….99% of the time I just crave a simple lifestyle.  

If you’re into camping and hiking I’d LOVE all your tips and favorite places to go!

Happy 10 year anniversary baby!  You’re my forever and always best friend, lover, and soul mate!

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