I feel super emotional about going blueberry picking this morning.  I don't want to go into too much detail about it right now but...I haven't taken the kids in three years. Not because I didn't want to, but because...I kind of got a little sidetracked and also went through a process of really unpacking what was going on inside myself.  

I did a lot of soul searching the last 3.5 years.  I messed up a lot but I also did a lot of things right.  I let go of so many things that weren't serving me and I realized the things that I wanted to keep in my life.  I had to question everything. I had to search for answers. I let go of things I was doing and loved because I needed to find out if I was doing and loved those things because I truly did OR because I thought I needed to.  

In that process I stopped doing so many things that I wish I hadn't stopped doing.  I let go of routines and goals and values and just really had to find myself.  If you've ever been on a similar journey... you get what I'm talking about.  

Maybe some day I'll unpack all of that and share more of what I experienced but for now...just know that I feel like I'm on the right path,and feel really good about where things are heading. Motherhood is my MOST FAVORITE thing in the world and learning and being with my kids is the thing that brings me the most joy. back to blueberry picking...

We headed out this morning after breakfast and some chores.  It was overcast so a lot cooler than some of the days we've been having this summer.  Basically 85 feeling cool :)  Those 98 degree days are crazy hot!  So we were thankful for the break from that.  

The youngest 3 didn't remember going picking before so they were all crazy excited!  They loved having their own buckets. 

Jude spent more time eating mine than anything else. Pretty sure he ate over half of the ones I picked! 

Alanna and Jude found flowers and put them in my hair.  And Alanna wanted some in her hair. 

The flowers that grow on blueberry bushes are beautiful. 

We all combined our berries and got a whole woppin' $6 worth :) 

"Liam wanted me to add here that he LOVES blueberry picking and can't wait to go apple and pumpkin picking"! 

I've never actually picked a ton of blueberries to the point where we filled a whole bucket since the kids end up getting tired and hot after an hour...but it's the fun and the memory I care about the most anyways.  

We got enough to make some pancakes and muffins tomorrow and that sounds pretty delish to me!

The kids all wanted to add into my post as well saying that "blueberry picking is fun and holding the bucket is fun and the bushes are thorny"! 

Can't wait to go again! 

Apple and pumpkin picking are next!!! 

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