Homeschooling Again

I mailed in our Intent To Homeschool.
And submitted my resignation from Beachbody coaching.
I had every intention on sending Liam and Alanna to public school together this fall along with Ruy...even though so much of me longed for and missed the connection with my children through homeschooling. I was still going to send them. Even though I didn’t have peace about it.
Then when we decided to move and as school time approached closer and closer...I realized we’d probably be in 3 different school districts before the school year ended and I knew I didn’t want that for Liam and Alanna.
It felt like a very clear sign that homeschooling was the best option for them. Once I made the decision I immediately felt peace about it. I picked a curriculum that was highly recommended and looks so beautiful and fun and what I was looking for.
I knew I could not be a Beachbody coach and homeschool because I’d tried before and it just was way too much on me. Homeschooling is a full time job in itself. So that was one reason for my resigning along with several others...
but on Sunday our pastor spoke of distractions that come into our lives and take God’s peace from us and it just really spoke to me and while at one point in my life...coaching is what I needed...I tried it again and just could not get peace about it. Could not shake the feeling that that season of my life was passing and I needed to fully let it go because it just was no longer in alignment with my needs and goals and my family’s needs and goals.
Then I listened to It Is Well by Caleb and Kelsey last night ...and literally just felt SO at peace about my decision to homeschool, to get refocused on home making and motherhood, and God, and health in a different a wave washing over me almost.
Like I’d come home or something...I’m not sure 100% how to explain it but I guess just that I feel totally and completely where God wants me, so happy, and so at peace with my decisions.
The last 3.5 years have been a huge journey for me...but it feels so good to finally feel right where I’m supposed to be. I haven’t felt that in a long time and I’m just so thankful for where I’m at right now.
Ruy will continue on at public school but the other 3 will be home with excited for this school year! For a fresh start! A new curriculum! New goals! Moving! And everything God's doing in my heart and life🌲

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