A Few Words About My Husband For Father's Day

My husband is an amazing man.  I am so blessed to have him as my husband, my best friend, and father to our children.  There are so many things I love about him, but here are just a few things I wanted to brag on him about. 

He loves God.  There are many people who claim to "know" Jesus but really have no clue what this really means.  I am so thankful for a husband who loves God, and strives to be more like Him constantly.  I am thankful for a husband that wants to lead our children to love Jesus.  His desire is not just for them to "know" there is a someone named Jesus, but to actually believe in Him, to trust their life with Him, and have a personal relationship with Him. 

  He loves our children.  There are so many children who have never known the love of a father, and I am so thankful that Nathan loves our children...truly deeply loves them.  

  He is hard working.  My husband is the least lazy man I have ever known.  He completely pours himself into everything he does.  He works two jobs. He works full time as a fire fighter, and part time as a transport for a hospital.  He just graduated from college in May, but before he graduated, he was doing school full time and working two jobs since we have been married.  I am so thankful for all he does to provide for our family.  

  He is involved with our children.  My husband doesn't just sit around and make me do all the work with the kids.  He bathes them, brushes their teeth, takes them on walks, coaches them, plays outside with them, plays board games with them, changes their diapers, cleans up their messes, reads to them, wrestles with them, hugs them, kisses them, trains them, teaches them, prays with them.  He loves being with them and is not "bothered" by them.  I am so blessed to be married to a man that feels that children are a gift from God, and not a burden. 
 He read this verse to me the other night...

Psalm 127:3
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
    the fruit of the womb a reward.

Happy Father's Day 
We Love You More Than You Will Ever Know

Photo Credit: Heart Love Photography

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