
Alanna Colette
Seven Months
15 pounds, 6.4 ounces, 26.75 inches long

Time seems to just slip through my fingers.  I feel like I blinked and this last month came and went.  I love watching you grow, but I want to somehow slow down time.

You have learned so many new things this past month.  You took your first attempt at crawling on the day you turned six months.  From then until now, you have just continued to get closer and closer to crawling.  You are up on your hands and knees, rocking back and forth, moving one knee and then falling onto your face sometimes...other times, you move one hand and make a small amount of progress.  You scoot backwards better than forward right now.  You also move side to side pretty well.  It will only be a matter of weeks and you will be crawling all over the place!

You tried to pull up for the first time.  I had a Rubbermaid container in the living room, sitting next to you.  You saw it, scooted to it, and tried to reach your hands up to the rim of the container to pull up onto it.  You weren't able to figure it out, but soon Baby Girl...very soon you will.

You love Duke.  Every time I put you on the floor, he comes and lays down next to you.  If you can't reach him, you scoot over to him and grab his face, or his feet.  

You like to push your toes down into the floor, or my stomach, and push up very hard...pushing your little bottom way up into the air.  It's pretty cute.  But it does make it difficult to hold you while you are doing that.

You are so curious.  You never want to snuggle, or hold still while I am holding you.  You did finally start wanting to nurse longer than five minutes at nap time and night time though.  You nurse for 20-30 minutes now, and fall asleep on me.  I love it. 

You have an upper tooth that is trying to come in.  I think it should break through any day.  I believe this tooth is the cause for you waking up multiple times throughout the night again.  You were sleeping 10-12 hours a night for about 4-8 weeks, but then when we went on vacation, you started waking up 1-3 times a night.  It really isn't that bad though.  You fall right back asleep when I put you in bed with me, and after an hour of being in my bed, you are so sound asleep I just move you back into your bed.

You have become very clingy to me...well more so than usual.  When someone else is holding you, you look all around to find me.  Once you see me, you start whining and reaching for me.  It does not bother me of course.  In such a short time, you will be content playing on your own all the time, and then I will be wishing for these moments back.  I do not want to rush away any stage that you are in.

You have started to make some new sounds.  It is all just real sounds like ma-ma or da-da.  But I can tell you are starting to try to communicate more and more.

You make the cutest facial expression now.  You wrinkle up your nose, and breathe out of your nose really fast.  It looks adorable and silly.  Daddy and I are in love with it. 

You love when I sing to you.  You get the biggest grin on your face. You just smile, and smile until I am done singing.

You radiate such joy and happiness. Everywhere we go, I have people telling me "how happy you look", and "how beautiful you are."  And they are right.  You are happy...You are beautiful.
You are my little sunshine.

I love you so much Alanna Girl.
Happy Seven Months

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