
Today I watched Liam cover himself in dirt, and tell me he was giving himself a bath.  

Today I watched Ruy play legos on the kitchen table like he always does.  I listened to him tell me all sorts of Star Wars stories, and make all kinds of gun noises with them while he played.  I never want to forget all of his stories! 

Today I played Tic-Tac-Toe outside with Ruy.  We colored on rocks with chalk, and drew our game on the side walk. 

Today I watched my sweet baby girl eat "Puffs"  for the first time.  She picked it up all my herself, and was able to get it into her mouth.  The texture seemed strange to her, but she kept wanting more.  I am so proud of her!

Today I watched Liam play with his dump truck at Ruy's baseball game.  I never want to forget how happy he is while he pushes it around.  I never want to forget his smile, and his laughter while he plays with it. 

Today I watched Ruy play his baseball game.  He played wonderfully.  He hit the ball so far, and got someone out.  I love watching him play. He has done so well this year.  It is his third year, and it has been so neat watching his skills grow.  

Today I watched Liam get so excited to see his big brother.  He looked into the dugout and yelled "That's Ruy!"  Liam loves Ruy so much.

Today I watched Alanna make her new silly face.  I never want to forget the way her little nose wrinkles up, or the way she breathes really hard out of her nose while she is making this face.  

Today I was busy... busy cooking, cleaning, unpacking from vacation, grocery shopping etc...
but I was present.  I listened, I watched, I soaked it all in.  

I love my kids.  I am so blessed to be their Mother. 

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