Our Beach Vacation

Things have been so busy at our house the past few weeks.  It's hard to believe we have already been home from our beach vacation for almost two weeks now!  We had such a good time this year.  There were some challenges to the week, but all in all, it was great.

We go to Emerald Isle, NC every year with Nathan's family.  We love it there!  It's not too crowded, the water is always pretty warm, the sand is clean, and the ocean is just beautiful.  I always feel so at peace when I am near the water.  I love the smell of salt water, and the sound of the waves breaking against the beach.  It makes me feel closer to God somehow.

We left for the beach the Saturday before Memorial Day.  We got there around 4:30PM, unpacked, and went to dinner.  I went grocery shopping after dinner with Nathan's Mom and Alanna.  Nathan took the boys back to the beach house and got them in bed.  I knew I would be out late, and I didn't want to be grocery shopping at 10PM with two tired boys.  Alanna slept in the Ergo a little while I shopped, but she had a hard time falling asleep.  I got back to the beach house at 11:30PM.  Nathan and his Dad unloaded the groceries while I put Alanna to bed.  And then I crashed around 12PM. 

I knew my boys would be waking up early Sunday morning.  The window in their room didn't have dark curtains, and even with hanging a blanket over the curtains, I didn't think it would be dark enough to block the sun out.  I was right.  Liam came running into my room at 6AM!  They normally sleep till 7 to 7:30AM.  I was hoping since they were up late, and Liam hadn't had a nap Saturday, that they would sleep till 8AM..."wishful thinking!"  They got up at 6AM every.single.day we were there!  Sometimes when you have young kids...vacation is not as much of a vacation as you would like it to be! :)

We went to church at Nathan's grandmother's church Sunday morning, and then went to lunch with the family.  After lunch we went home and changed into our swim suits so we could FINALLY get down to the beach!!!  The boys were as anxious as Nathan and I were.  Liam didn't remember the beach from last year, so it was cute to see his excitement.  And Ruy surprised as all!!!  He has NEVER liked the ocean...he is terrified of going in deep.  Well, we got down to the beach and he took off into the water like he had never been afraid!  I was so proud of him!  This was Alanna's first time to the beach.  She was so tired by the time we got down to the beach though, because she had missed her afternoon nap while we were at lunch.  So I put her in the Ergo, and she feel asleep within minutes.  I actually spent most of the week holding her in the Ergo, especially when we were down at the water.  She can't sit up yet, and she is just now starting to scoot, so she couldn't be put down while we were down at the beach.  She was also tired most of the time while we were at the beach.  She still naps three times a day, so it was a little difficult trying to work around her schedule.  Like I said...there were some challenges. 


Monday morning the boys enjoyed a yummy breakfast of bananas, strawberries, and muffins.  I love the way Liam is looking at Ruy in this picture!!!   Ruy was acting like his banana was a gun or something, and Liam thought it was funny.  They both loved sitting on the stools at the counter. 

Monday when we went down to the beach, we got Alanna's feet wet.  She did not like the water at all!  But she looked super cute it her bathing suit and hat, so it didn't really matter.  :)

The boys had a great time at the beach on Monday, playing in the sand, running in and out of the water, and finding shells.

After the beach we headed down to the pool.  Liam LOVED the pool.  He was a little nervous about it, but he loved it.  He put on some "floaties" and had a blast.  Ruy has loved the pool since he was Liam's age too.  He learned how to swim two summers ago, but this summer Nathan started working with him more, and his swimming really improved. 

Tuesday we went to the beach in the morning but we didn't stay long.  The wind was terrible that day, and everyone started getting tired of it.  The wind was good for something though...the boys discovered that the wind would blow their dump trucks without them having to push them!  It was pretty awesome!   We went back in at lunchtime and then took the boys down to the pool for a little before nap time. 

After naps I had Nathan's mom take a few pictures of the kids and me.  And then we spent a long time blowing bubbles.  Actually, we didn't really have to do anything other than hold the wand up...the wind did all the work!  It was pretty awesome!  It always amazes me how much bubbles can entertain a child.  It's the simple things in life that really matter!

Wednesday morning I made the boys smoothies for breakfast.  They love smoothies!  Ruy had no interest in me taking his picture with his smoothie, so I just took a few of Liam :)

We decided to go to the pool before we went down to the beach that day.  We thought the water might be warm enough for Alanna to want to be in it... we were wrong.  She cried the cutest, girliest, little cry ever!  So she didn't like the ocean water or the pool water.  But she did like having Daddy hold her! :)

The beach was beautiful Wednesday.  We only stayed about 1.5 hours because a storm rolled in, but we needed to get dinner anyways so it all worked out.

Liam loves his sunglasses.  He wears them all the time.  Right after I took this picture he ran into the water and a wave hit him.  He grabbed my hand and said "Mommy, that wave hit my bum-bum!"

Ruy spent the entire time at the beach Wednesday playing in the sand.

Liam ran around in the water with his truck.

I somehow managed to get a picture of both the boys looking at me and smiling!

Unfortunately, Alanna was was not so thrilled about taking pictures with her brothers, but I still love the picture!

Thursday morning I took Alanna down to the beach and took a few pictures of her.  The sun came out full force as soon as I got down there of course, but I worked with what I had and got a few that I liked.

Thursday afternoon we went to Nathan's Grandpa's house.  Nathan and the boys had a blast playing football while we were there.  It was a lot of fun watching them play.  Liam doesn't totally get the whole "tackling & loose the ball" thing.  He had a few melt downs while they were playing, but he did have a good time.  Ruy enjoys tackling him.  Having a big brother has made Liam pretty tough.  Ruy is a wonderful big brother!

Thursday evening I once again was able to convince Nathan to do our annual "beach family picture."  He is so good.  He puts up with my picture taking so well!  He is an amazing husband!  The only thing I forgot this year, other than the life-vests (I know...what kind of Mother forgets the life-vests!) was my tri-pod!  Thankfully Andrea, my sister in-law, was kind enough to come down to the beach and take a few pictures for us.  Our "session" lasted all of about six minutes...literally.  Alanna would not stop grabbing the boys' hair, which is why I am holding her arms down in the picture, and Nathan and the boys were all worn out after a busy day.  But it turned out pretty good even with no one in the mood for family pictures :)

 (Taken by Andrea: Settings & Editing by me)

Friday morning Ruy woke up and decided he wanted me to take some pictures of him with his army gear on.  This is basically what he wears every.single.day.  It's hard to convince him to let me wash his army pants!

Then later that day we went down to the beach for the last time.  It was overcast the whole day which was actually perfect.  It wasn't too hot, and we all really enjoyed our time at the beach!!!

 Nathan and the boys dug a huge hole in the sand like they always do.  It entertained Liam the whole time we were at the beach that day.

Ruy made several sand castles.

Liam tried to build a sand castle but it pretty much ended in him just trying to destroy Ruy's sand castle. 

He eventually gave up on the whole sand castle thing, and went back to playing in the hole. :) 

Alanna hung out in the Ergo the whole time, except for this brief moment when I laid her in the chair to check her diaper.  

Ruy decided it would be fun to try to bury Liam.  Liam didn't really understand what was happening, and kept breaking out of the sand just as Ruy would get his legs covered.  Ruy gave up trying to bury him pretty quickly. 

I get this face most of the time when I try to take a picture of Ruy. 

I love this picture...it is exactly how I will remember the boys this summer.  
{Ruy leading...Liam following}
Liam looks up to Ruy so much and wants to do everything he does.  Every time Ruy would get up and go do something, Liam was up and running right behind him.  Being a big brother is a big responsibility.  But Ruy is such a wonderful brother.  I believe he will lead Liam to great things! 

After the beach we headed in to get the two littles a nap.  I had to make sure they got a good nap that day because Friday is always Golphin Dolphin Day!  We eat pizza and then go play Putt Putt every year on Friday night.  It's a family tradition.  I have yet to beat Nathan.  I tried so hard this year to beat him but failed again.  Maybe next year.  Liam loved putt putt this year.  He finally decided it was best to put his ball right beside the hole and then hit the ball in!  Genius idea Liam!!!  Why did I never think of that??? :)  After he hit the ball into the hole he would turn around and say "Two Daddy!"  I think he made PAR on every hole. :) I guess it pays to be two and stinkin adorable.  Ruy spent the whole time with his two little cousins, playing about two holes ahead of our group.  He had so much fun with his cousins.  

 Saturday morning we packed up, went to lunch with the family, and then headed home.  We had a wonderful time at the beach.  It's hard to believe another family vacation has already come and gone.  
Until next year Emerald Isle!!!

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