Baby #4

I had the feeling that I was pregnant.  It was two days before  I was expecting my period but I didn't want to wait any longer to take a test.  I took a test was negative.  I felt disappointed because I was sure I was pregnant.  But then I remembered that I had tested two days early with Alanna and had a negative test as well.  So I decided not to worry about it too much and just wait two days. 

I took a test on Sunday (Feb 8).  I waited but saw nothing.  Then I realized there was just the faintest hint of a second line on the test.  I couldn't tell if my eyes were playing tricks on me.  I showed it to Nathan but even he agreed it was so light.  Nathan picked up a different brand of a pregnancy test later that afternoon when he went out to get a hair cut.  When he came back I took the test.  
I laid the test face down until Nathan came in so we could look at it together.  When I flipped it over there was only one line but it had only been about one minute.  After about two minutes a faint second line showed up.  We both kept asking if it was really another line.  You would think this was our first time taking a pregnancy test or something!!! LOL :) 

So yes, there were definitely two lines.  And YES!  We are definitely pregnant! 

 A few days later we decided to tell the kids.  We sat down on the couch with them and said that we had something to tell them.  We knew that Alanna and Liam wouldn't have a clue what was going on, but wanted to surprise Ruy.  We sat them down and then said "Alanna is going to be a big sister!"  Ruy looked at me for a minute and then said "Wait! What!  You're going to have a baby!"  He got really excited which in turn made Liam really excited even though Liam had no clue what was going on.  It was pretty funny.  We explained to Liam what was going to happen and then he seemed to understand.  He said my belly was going to get real big and that he wants a sister.  Ruy wants a brother.  And I'm pretty sure Alanna will be jealous either way :)

As of right now, I haven't had an morning sickness and don't feel any more/less tired than normal.  I usually start to feel sick around week 6 or 7 but I'm praying maybe it will be different with this baby. 

I've already had so many thoughts of how I need to organize the house, de-clutter, rearrange the kids rooms, and what foods I need to freeze before baby arrives!!!  I mean really... I only have eight months to get it all done. 

  We are all so very very excited about adding a fourth child to our family! And I am excited to have a way to document the journey this time! 


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