Baby Bump & Consignment Shop Finds

This week has felt like one of the longest weeks of the entire winter.  Just when the last of the snow in our yard was about to melt, it snowed again...about EIGHT inches of snow!!!  I am always so ready for Spring by this time of the year.  I'm counting down the days.  Tomorrow is the first day in March so I can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Ruy's birthday is April 10, and it's always so warm on his birthday.  That's only about six weeks away.  I just keep telling myself that I can push through these last few weeks and then it will be open windows (unless my allergies get the best of me again) school on the back porch, iced coffee, flip flops, sun dresses, fun trips to the park and so much more!!!  

Well enough about the depressing snow.  I figured I should take a baby bump picture while I'm just a few weeks a long so that I can look back and remember how I looked throughout this pregnancy.  I just snapped a quick picture in my bathroom with my phone so it's not the greatest but it will have to do.  I think I am around six weeks along.  My first appointment with my midwife isn't until March 18, but I'll know my exact due date then.  I'm thinking I will be due around October 18 though.  

 I've gained 2 pounds so far, probably from all the chocolate I had to eat the first few weeks before I even knew I was pregnant and then the week after I found out.  I don't know what was wrong with me but I was wanting chocolate pretty much 24/7 for about three weeks straight.  It was crazy.  

Last week I started feeling dizzy a lot.  It comes and goes randomly throughout the day.  I'm trying to stay on top of drinking lots of water (even more than I normally do) but it seems I've been having a hard time remembering this past week.  I'm also extremely tired now by the time 2pm rolls around.  I start yawning and then all I can think about the rest of the day is the moment when my head gets to hit the pillow.  It's hard because I usually have so much I want to get done after I get all the kids to bed, but I've seriously had so little motivation this past week to do anything other than what absolutely has to be done.  I've slacked majorly on house chores, and I started several organization projects that are still incomplete and now I have boxes and things all over the place.  This coming week needs to be better cause I can't stand living in disorganization.  

Certain smells have started to bother me.  I made taco soup on Thursday night and ended up dumping the whole thing because 1. the peppers in it smelled horrible to me and 2.  it tasted horrible to me.  It probably would have tasted fine to every one else but Nathan was at work and I was so tired I didn't feel like cooking anything else.  So we went and got Pizza instead. 

I bought the new baby something for the first time already :)  I was at a consignment store and found the exact swing I wanted.  It was only $55 compared to the brand new price of $135 so I just couldn't pass it up.  It matched my living room perfectly.  I really didn't want to have a swing in the living room that was bright orange when my house is all natural earthy colors.  I really love consignment stores.  You can find such great things for such great prices there.

I also bought these two Baby Gap outfits for Alanna on the same day I bought the swing.  I love Baby Gap but can't normally afford anything from the store brand new.  But the consignment store right near my house always has beautiful girl Baby Gap clothes there.  A lot of my favorite dresses that Alanna has are from that consignment store and are Baby Gap. I found these two outfits and snatched them up.  The lady at the register said they had just put them out the day before.  I can't wait for her to wear these.  The pink dress will probably be her Easter dress.  I just need to find a little sweater for her to wear over it in case it is cold that day and some little shoes.   The second outfit is a minty color with little cream polka dots on it. It's hard to tell in the picture but it's really just precious.

Liam got pretty worried yesterday and said "Mommy, when the baby falls out it's going to hit his head!"  I had to reassure him that the baby would be just fine when it comes out and Daddy will make sure that the baby doesn't hit its head! :)  

Well that's all for now.  I hope everyone has had a great weekend so far!

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