My Daily Routine

I have received more than a few messages, emails, and texts recently from ladies asking me what my daily routine looks like, what Ruy's routine is like, what my favorite Trim Healthy Mama foods are, and how I keep up with my house cleaning/organization.  Rather than try to email everyone back separately, I decided just to start doing some blog posts about all of those things.  Today I'll be talking about My Daily Routine.

 Please understand that my routine will not work for every family.  Every family is unique and should adapt a routine that works best for their own family.  Also, when Ruy was in K-5 our routine was much different.  His school only took about an 1-1.5 hours back then which made our days go somewhat differently than they do now.  I also only had 2 children at that time.  If you don't home school at all, but just have children 4 and under at home, your routine will probably be very different from mine as well.  Last year after I had Alanna, our days were not very routine, and it was very difficult to home-school and keep up with the housework.  Since I started having a routine, meal planning, and sticking with a laundry/cleaning schedule things have been going SO much better.  The past 8 months or so have gone pretty smooth and we have enjoyed home-schooling this year very much. 

Another thing I wanted to say is that a routine shouldn't make your life more shouldn't make you go around the house like a Drill Sergeant snapping at your kids to do this or that, or getting upset with them if you are behind schedule 2 minutes.  There are days when we are 30 minutes off but that's ok.  We just keep moving forward with our day.  Life happens, kids have tempers, potty breaks take longer than expected, boo-boos need kissed, diapers need changed, runny noses need wiped, kids need extra attention sometimes, drinks get spilled, school lessons take longer than expected, siblings fight,  toys get thrown into the toilet (yes...that happened to me today!  Alanna threw a pen in my toilet and then played in the water...Ew GROSS!).... but that's ok.  A routine is there to just help guide your day so that you don't wander around aimlessly feeling like no one is getting anything accomplished.  Be flexible and enjoy being Mommy!

So here it is...

6:15- Wake up. (If Alanna has slept well, I will get up and work out but the past few weeks she has been sleeping very bad so I haven't been able to work out like I want to.  So if Alanna has a bad night, I will usually sleep until 7 when the boys get up. 

6:30-7- Workout

7- Make Nathan's protein shake (if he is working at the fire station that morning) Snuggle with kids for a few minutes after they wake up. 

7:20- Get in the shower, get dressed, put on make-up, make bed, straighten up room & bathroom, put load of laundry in the washer.  

8:00- Breakfast

8:30- Clean up breakfast

9:00- Get Liam & Alanna dressed, , dry my hair if needed. (I have started washing my hair every other night.  I found that washing my hair in the mornings was causing me to take too long to get ready for the day.  I realized our days went much better if I didn't have to spend so much time in the shower in the morning or dry my hair.  So now I take a shower every night, and then take a quick 3-5 minute shower in the morning.)

9:30- Set Ruy & Liam up with books on the couch, put Alanna down for a nap.

9:45- My devotions

10- Start school (We do Bible, Phonics, History, Science, Math Flashcards & if we have time Reading during our morning school time.)

10:15- Snack for me & the kids (If I don't have a morning snack...I tend to get very cranky :)

11:30- Set Ruy up in his room with his Math lesson, Alanna gets up from her nap, put load of laundry in the dryer, start making lunch

12:00- 5 minute pick up before lunch, Lunch

12:30- Clean up lunch

1:00- Fold load of laundry, play with the kids.  During this time we will go outside when it's warm enough, play on the playground, take a walk, play a game, build blocks, make blanket forts :) etc.  or I will do our chapter book reading during this time.  Basically I just try to spend an hour just "being" with the kids and not focusing on work, school, or chores.

2:00- Ruy & Liam go to their room for quiet time.  Ruy does his seatwork, cursive, and spelling.  When he is done with his school he plays.  

2:10-2:30- I put Alanna down for her second nap.

2:30:  Balance checkbook, check emails, do my daily chore/chores, blog etc.  During this time I just try to regroup and get as much done as I can.  I usually have a cup of coffee and a THM dessert during this time :)

3:30- I get the boys out of quiet time, get them a snack and turn on a show or movie for them.  They are allowed to watch between 30-60 minutes of TV during this time. 

4:00-4:30- Alanna gets up from her nap.  I start getting dinner ready. (I try to do crock pot meals as much as possible to make things as less stressful as possible.  If I do a crock pot meal, I start it around 9AM.)  5 minute pick up, put load of laundry away if I didn't have time at 2:30PM,

5:30:  Dinner

6:00- Dinner clean up & pack Nathan's meals for the next day if needed *(My husband is a fire fighter and works 24 hour shifts.  He follows the THM plan with me and since he started doing that back in September 2014, I make his breakfast for him before he leaves and then pack him 2 snacks, lunch, and dinner.)

6:30-  Tues, Thurs, & Sat. are bath days.  Bathe kids, get kids ready for bed, play time with kids.  We read books, wrestle, play board games etc. 

7:30-  Put Liam to bed.

7:35- Put Alanna to bed

7:50-8:30 Read books or play a game with Ruy. (Nathan, Ruy, and I love to play games...this has become a special time for us to just be alone with Ruy.)

8:15-8:30- Put Ruy to bed

8:30-10:30- 5 minute pick up, prepare anything needed for breakfast next morning, get ready for bed, blog and/or work ( Lauren Zeigler Photography).  (Nathan works several nights a week at the station, so some nights I don't do photography work at all so that we can spend time together, some nights I work the entire 2 hours, some nights I just do 1 hour.  It kind of just depends on the night.)

10:30- Bedtime

A few notes...

1.  Every other Tuesday from 2PM-7PM and every other Friday afternoon to Sunday evening Ruy goes to his Dad & Step Mom's house.  On those days our school routine is a little different.  We don't take as long of an afternoon break so that we have time to get all of his school done before he needs to leave.

2.  Wednesday nights Ruy has Awanas from 6:30PM-8PM so our nightly routine is different that night. 

3.  I try to leave the house as little as possible during the week (unless it is for a field trip or other school related thing) so that our school and housework doesn't get behind.  We usually go to the library once every 2-4 weeks, and we usually do a field trip once a week or every other week.  It just depends on how the weather is really.  I do my grocery shopping on Friday afternoons after we have finished school.  There are obviously occasions that arise where we have to go out (doctor's appointments, etc.) but I don't just get up and run to Target in the morning just for the fun of it.  Those type of trips will throw off our whole day so I save that kind of thing for Saturdays. 

4.  Our Saturdays and Sunday aren't as structured as Monday-Friday.  They sometimes flow very similar just because that is what we are used to but Saturdays are usually really laid back and we just try to do something fun even if we stay home the whole day.  Sundays we have church in the morning and small group in the evenings.  

5.  There are days where our routine is totally off.  Not every day goes perfectly as planned.  We are human and have bad days just like everyone else.  Those are the days where I usually call/text my sister and get reassurance that everything is going to be ok! :)  

And that is it!  If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment or email me privately.  

And just because every post needs a picture...


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