Snow & Sickness...Is it Spring yet?

This past Monday's forecast was calling for snow.  A lot of 6-8 inches!!!  I'm not a fan of snow at all.  I don't like being cold.  Anything below 60 is just too cold.  Anyways...the forecast was calling for snow which meant the kids and I would be cooped up inside for several days.  So after we finished our morning school we headed out to the Children's Museum.  Two families that we are good friends with happened to be up there as well, so Ruy had a blast playing with their kids.  At 1PM the snow started coming down.  We ate our lunch and headed home.  The boys were really excited but me...not so much.  

The boys didn't go outside to play on Monday but woke up Tuesday morning ready to go out in it.  They played for about 30 minutes to an hour and then they were done.  

Wednesday Nathan was home from the station so he went outside that morning before heading off to his office, and played in the snow with the boys.  He got his snowboard out and let the boys slide down the front yard on it.  They thought that was pretty awesome.  Liam didn't last very long outside though...he got snow down his jacket and was done. 

Later Wednesday I thought Liam was acting a little "off".  I picked him up and he felt a little warm.  He had a fever of 100.8.  He spent most of the day sitting under a blanket reading his new favorite book.  It's a book about animals with pictures of real animals.  He loves it.

The kids anxiously awaited Nathan getting off of work Wednesday night.  When they heard his truck pull  up, they all jumped up and ran to the window.  This is how they wait for him pretty much every time he gets home. 

Thursday went pretty much just like Tuesday and Wednesday...home all day, school, Liam sick, etc.  Alanna wanted to play with her rose from Valentine's Day.  I guess tearing it up seemed like a good idea. 

Liam looked at his animal book a lot, whether he was sitting at the table...wearing a hat and sunglasses! (Because a hat always makes life better!) 

 or laying on the couch under a blanket wearing crocodile slippers.

Thursday evening Ruy decided that he wants to be an amazing chef when he grows up, so he asked if he could cook something.  He picked out one of our favorite muffin recipes and made them almost completely by himself.  It was pretty cute. 

Thursday night Liam fell asleep on the couch at 6:45.  He was so cold and tired.  I wrapped him up and carried him to his room.  He slept till about 2:30 and then came and got me.  His fever was up to 104 and it was making him so cold.  I took him potty, got him more medicine, and then he fell right back to sleep. 

Friday Liam spent most of the day on the couch again.  He hardly ate anything but wanted a lot of water.  His fever got up to 101.5 on Friday.  He fell asleep on the couch at 6:15pm and when I tried waking him up, he was so out of it and so miserable I just carried him off to bed for the night.  He woke up at 4:30AM wanting to be with me.  I tried putting him in my bed but Liam is like me...he doesn't do well with change in sleeping routine.  It throws him off and then he can't relax and sleep.  So a few minutes later he was asking to get back in his bed.  I got him tucked back in and was about to fall asleep when I heard him come back out of his room.  I made a little bed for him on my floor but after 10 minutes of him kicking my bed, I put him back into his bed.  It was about 5:30AM at that point.  It took me a long time to unwind and I'm pretty sure it was after 6AM before I fell asleep.  Alanna woke up at 6:45AM.  My first thoughts it Spring yet???  Snow and sick kids and little sleep for me = not to fun.  :) 

But Saturday Liam's fever broke and he actually didn't spend the whole day on the couch.  We spent another day at home...inside ALL day.  It was raining and so cold.  My boys are so needing warm weather so they can be outside and run and play.  Liam keeps asking if we can "go to Spring?"  If only it were that simple.  But Spring is only a few short weeks away.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now!  

Well that is how our week went. 

Here's wishing everyone a warmer, less snow filled, healthier week this week!

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