Jude turned four months old on February 11th.  I still have no idea how much he weighs since I haven't taken him in to the doctor since he was about a month old.  He has an appointment in a few weeks though so I'm excited to see how much weight he's gained and how tall he is.  He seems so much longer to me than my other babies were at his age.  Jude has such a sweet easy going personality.  He's happy pretty much all the time unless he's hungry or tired.  He has the biggest cutest smile that just completely melts my heart and his laugh is just the greatest.  He discovered his hands and keeps them in his mouth most of the time.  He is cutting teeth and I can see them about to break through.  He's not been sleeping well this past week and I feel so bad for him.  I can't wait for those teeth to just break through.  He loves when the kids talk to him and they just love holding him and trying to make him smile or laugh.  Liam is still asking me "why Jude had to be in my belly for so long and that he's so happy he finally came out!"  Ruy hates hearing him cry and will stop whatever he's doing and pick him up if I can't get to him at that moment.  I've found Liam holding him a few times and I try not to panic as I rush across the room to grab Jude before Liam drops him.  When I tell him he can not pick up Jude he says "But Jude is crying and I wanted to hold him!"  So glad he wants to take care of his brother but I could do without the minor heart attack.  Alanna got upset the other day at Liam and took it out on Jude by whacking a toy down on Jude's head.  He got his first "boo-boo".  But he survived with only a few tears.  Alanna is normally incredibly sweet to him.  She loves rubbing his face, kissing him, and calling him Jude Man like I do.  Nathan and I are so in love with everything about our little man.  His little ear that sticks out just slightly is still our favorite.  We love his little chubby thighs, and his double chin when he smiles really big.  We love how excited he gets when he sees either one of us and how adorable he looks with most of his hair fallen out.  Everything about him is just perfect and we are in no way in a hurry for him to grow up.  We're loving every moment of him being little and trying to soak in every moment.  

Happy Four Months Sweet Jude Man!  
We love you.