Happy Happy Monday everyone!  I'm sitting here feeling pretty great tonight.  I've been working out again for over a month and I must say, it's amazing.  I'm so happy that I got back into working out.  Every morning I'm tired when my alarm goes off but I just get up and push play and then once I hit play I'm like "yes this is awesome!"  Seriously...P90x3 is awesome.  

Our weekend was pretty low key as usual.  I worked out Friday and then we went grocery shopping in the morning on Friday instead of Saturday because my in-laws came up to visit on Saturday.  We had such a great time with them.  They treated us to Qdoba for lunch and I was good and got a burrito bowl instead of a burrito.  My goodness not eating that tortilla shell makes a world of difference.  I left there totally full and satisfied but without a complete and terrible stomach ache from the shell! Winning!!!  I did eat about 8 chips but that is like a record low for me.  Normally I could eat a whole basket by myself :)  But I was good.  After lunch we took the kids to an awesome park and then went home and just hung out the rest of the evening.  

 Sunday was church and then the rest of the day at home.  Somehow though, I totally forgot to meal prep on Sunday and I was feeling the effects of it today.  It's not fun to be cooking up turkey for your taco salad at 11am when all of your kids need you at the same time :/   Oh funny story...I got a little stressed out Sunday evening because my husband was at the fire station and Jude, Liam, and Alanna were all crying and Ruy needed help with something and I was just feeling a little stretched.  I started to want to "stress eat" and kept munching on things.  Then I started thinking "it's kind of hard to stress eat when you only have healthy things to eat in your house!" haha.  Trim Healthy Mama For Life!!! 

Well that's about it for our weekend.  Here's our menu & like always, if you have any questions or see something labeled wrong, please let me know!  

You can leave a comment below or we can chat on Facebook & Instagram

Cheesecake Berry Crunch
Breakfast:  Banana Cake from the THM cookbook page  (E) 
*We enjoyed ours as a crossover with peanut butter on top
Lunch:  Qdoba (treat from my in-laws) I had a burrito bowl (Crossover) & I cheated and had about 8 chip.
Dinner:  Homemade mac&cheese, baked green beans, cinnamon apples (S with S helper from the few apple slices I had)

Breakfast:  Scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese, blueberries,  turkey bacon (S)
Lunch:  Alfredo from the THM cookbook page 
*We had shrimp in ours instead of chicken
Dinner: Leftover Banana Cake (E)

Breakfast:  Me: Shake  Kids & my husband, Raspberry Muffins from the THM cookbook page 285 
*I'm making these with blueberries 
Snack: Me & kids:  Shake
Lunch:  Me & my husband: Taco Salad (E) Kids: Tacos
Snack: Me: Cheesecake Berry Crunch from the THM cookbook page 353 (S) Kids: Popcorn, apple slices
Dinner:  Bangin' Ranch Drums (only I'm using chicken breasts) from the THM cookbook page 162, salad. (S)

Breakfast:  Scrambled Eggs, fruit, turkey bacon (S)
Snack:  Me: Shake Kids: Goldfish
Lunch:  At a friends house for a Valentine's Day party
Snack: At friend's house. 
Dinner:  Chicken Parmy from the THM cookbook page 161 & asparagus (S)  

Breakfast:   Giant Blueberry Pancake from the THM cookbook page  (E)
Snack: Shake Kids: Trail Mix
Lunch:  me & my husband, Greek Salad from the THM cookbook page 183 (S)  Kids:  PB & Jelly, yogurt & peanutbutter
Snack: Me: Greek yogurt w/ peanut butter & sugar free chocolate chips (S) Kids:  popcorn & apple slices
Dinner:  Leftover Taco Salad & Tacos (E)

Breakfast: Baked Peanut Butter Oatmeal (Crossover)
Snack: Shake
Lunch:  me & my husband, Honey Mustard(from the cookbook page  ) Chicken & Bacon Salads (S),  Kids:  Chicken Nuggets, fruit
Snack: Me:  Banana Pudding from the THM cookbook page 354 (E) Kids: Goldfish, fruit
Dinner:  Cheeseburger Pie from the THM cookbook page 149 (S)

Breakfast: Ham & Cheese Omelets, (S)
Snack: Me & kids, Shake 
Lunch:  Ham & cheese quesadillas, fruit (S)
Snack:  Cottage Berry Whip from the THM cookbook page 374 (FP)
Dinner:  Homemade Pizza, salad (E)


  1. Curious what you top your pizza with to keep it an E?

    1. I either just use cheese or I use turkey pepperoni and sometimes I add yellow red and orange peppers to it :)
