Things have been so busy for me lately that I haven't just done a post about the kids and what they been doing lately.  I feel so behind on blogging.  Here's a little peek into what our week looked like last week.  

We had school every day and I've been trying to find new things for Alanna and Liam to do to keep them busy while I'm working with Ruy or trying to get housework done.  Alanna and Liam both love playing with a container full of dried beans.  It can be messy when Alanna decides that throwing them across the kitchen is a good idea...but it keeps them occupied for a good 30 minutes!

Liam and Ruy are both doing so well in school.  I'm so proud of how hard they work each day. 

Alanna's new favorite thing is to play in the kitchen sink.  She spends about 30 minutes almost every day washing dishes and getting water all over the place. 

We go outside every day unless it's raining or below 35 degrees.  Jude has started using Alanna's swing and Alanna loves using the big girl swing.  Problem is we are short a swing.  I think we may have to update our playground this spring. 

 These two are either best buddies or having some serious screaming battles towards each other.  Liam likes to tell Alanna what to do all.day.long and she gets really tired of it.  But they love each other a lot.

We had a Valentine's Day party at my best friend's house with her and her four girls.  I forgot to take pictures of the kids but I did get pictures of the dessert :)

 All of the kids are totally in love with their baby brother.  Liam loves to sit and talk with him while I'm cooking.  He's a big helper keeping him happy.

It snowed one day last week and while I am not a fan of snow by any means, I did venture out in it with the kids to get some outside play time in. 

Ruy has loved using face paint since he was about four years old.  I love how creative he is.  

We all love our outside time and are really looking forward to warmer weather that is not too far away!  Yay! 

And this little girl loves her piggy.  She's so sweet and beautiful.  I'm pretty crazy about her.   

Well that's it for now.  I'm working on getting better at keeping up with the blog but I'm trying to balance so many things right now!  

Hope you all have a wonderful day and as always you can chat with me here on the blog or through my facebook & instagram.

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