A few weeks ago when my in laws came to visit, my daughter Alanna went to stay the night with them.  On Sunday I needed to go and pick her up and so we all decided to meet at Colonial Williamsburg in order for me to pick her up and spend time together.  

 We had lunch at the picnic tables and then spent a few hours walking around.

We've always loved Williamsburg so much.  I think I am going to get season passes the next time we go.  It's been years since I've done that, and I know they would all really enjoy it.

Jude wore one of his hooded costumes. He looked like a little hobbit running around which was really cute.

My in-laws are so great with my kids.  They have always been so close with them which I am so thankful for.  I'm glad they live so close and we get to see them often. 

Alanna's favorite part of going to Williamsburg is always getting to see the horses. 

It was just a really fun, relaxing day.  



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