The twins turned 6 months old back on February 14th, but I am just now this week getting to editing their photos.  It only took me about an hour once I just sat down and did them.

It's funny how something can seem like such a huge task and so daunting, especially once we keep putting it off over and over.  In reality though, many of these little tasks that we make out to be huge deals are really just simple things that could be done pretty quickly if we just got started.

Getting back into the routine of using my nice camera, editing, blogging, and making photo books has been that "thing" for me that has seemed so hard to get to.  Really, it was just a matter of me setting my priorities straight, and just getting started on it. 

So here we are 8 months late...but better late than never. 

I don't remember what all of their milestones were at this point.  It's been so long now and they change so fast but I remember a few things.  

I know they were both rolling or almost rolling.  They were getting better at sitting up in their high chair, and they loved food.  They could lay on their bellies and hold up their heads well.  And, they had discovered their toes :)  Which is why I focused on getting a few pictures of them holding onto their feet. 

They had started to talk to each other in cute little babbles and would hold onto each others hands.  This always makes me super emotional because observing twins together is just really incredible and always feels like such a miracle to me. 

They were really happy when they could lay like this.  It allowed them to play independently a little more.  It was during this time that Milla began to scoot around as well.

Milla has always been so full of personality.  She tends to be super serious at times and then will just be silly.  

Mara has always been more shy, dainty, emotional; but also very content and happy.  

Milla was always the one that cried the most when I put her down during those early months and for a long time I felt a lot of guilt over how much more I felt I had to give her my attention.  It's super hard to figure out the balance between two babies.  But I feel I figured it out and stopped stressing over if I was giving enough of myself to each one equally. 

 Looking back, I think I did a good job at this.  I would have them in the carriers for parts of the day, nurse them together, nurse them one on one, hold one alone while the other one slept in a swing and then switch them around and hold the other one alone.  I would take them on walks sometime using a stroller and other times using the carriers.  I would talk to them individually and then other times talk to them together.  When one would get sick, I had to give more of me to that child, and twice they both were sick at the same time. I always wondered how I would make it through the nights during those times and how I would take care of each one's needs the right way.  But I did it.  I figured it all out one moment, one day at a time.  

Going through it those first few months trying to figure out something so new, you do wonder if you're doing it right or doing it well.  Being over a year out now...I feel like I did it well and I don't think there is much I would change about how I did things.

What a joy those first 6 months were.  So magical.  So amazing.  Such a miracle of a thing to witness and be a part of. 

I love you my sweet, sweet girls.

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