October is my favorite month of the entire year probably.

I love the changing of the leaves, the smell of the cool autumn air, crisp mornings to sip on coffee as snuggle up in a blanket and I read, the crunching of leaves as we take family walks, apple picking, going to pumpkin patch, candles....

October just feels cozy.  

It's not too hot and it's not too cold. As Goldilocks likes to say "this one is just right."

Last weekend we went to the pumpkin patch.  My husband's parents have come with us almost every year.  It's a fun little family tradition. 

The girls really enjoyed it.  They are really becoming aware of what's going on around them.  They are so interested in animals, plants, noises and get so excited for new things.  They were really very into the pumpkins and wanted to point at and touch every one of them. 

Milla is walking so it was fun watching her get down and explore.  Mara enjoyed sitting next to the pumpkins.  Watching them try to figure out what they were was fun. 

It has been interesting, joyful, and sometimes hard as the seasons change and my children grow.  Their likes and dislikes shift.  My oldest son is out of the season of running around picking out a pumpkin.    He spent the time carrying around one of the girls and chatting with the adults.  Some times I wish I could keep all my children little forever but then at the same time I so enjoy the older ages and the change in relationship that happens.  

I was telling Liam and Alanna last night how much I love this age they are.  We can communicate so much differently, we enjoy the same oldie movies, taking hikes together, reading together, learning together, cooking together etc!  It's fun and special.  I really have loved every age and season for different reasons. 

Alanna discovered this really neat month on one of the pumpkins.  It was huge!  

Nathan's Dad found this really funny gourd.  It gave the kids all a good laugh as we were trying to grab a few family photos. 

Jude had a hard time finding the "perfect" pumpkin.  It needed to not have any dirt on it and also be small enough for him to carry but not too small.  After much searching, my father in law finally was able to find the perfect pumpkin for him.  He was very happy. 

Milla looks so much like my husband.  I love this picture of the two of them.  You can see so much of their similar features in the above picture....the chin :) 

I've really enjoyed using my nice Canon camera again.  I love the perspective it gives and the story it tells through the photos.  Alanna has been asking to learn how to use it so I'm teaching her how to use it on manual.  My husband took a few photos of me and the girls which I really love.  I just set up the settings and set it unto auto focus for him. 

My oldest son said something to make me laugh.  I liked this picture my husband captured of that moment. 

I love the enthusiasm and excitement these two have about finding their pumpkin.  Liam named his "Big Bertha."  

Once everyone had their pumpkins picked out, we headed up front to check out and take a hayride. 

It was one of the most beautiful evenings we have ever had for a pumpkin patch.  The weather was absolutely beautiful and we just really enjoyed our time.  Last year I was just a few weeks post-partum with the twins and still not very used to going out with two nursing newborns.  I panicked soon after getting to the pumpkin patch last year since it started to drizzle.  We ended up leaving just a few minutes after getting there.  Things have gotten easier as I've figured out my rhythm with having two babies and this year went much better :) 

I love my little family so much.
Well I guess some people would say I should say "big family", but I don't know...looking at this photo six kiddos doesn't seem like a lot. 
Either way I'm crazy about them all and am thankful for this special memory.


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