A few weeks ago we went to the State Fair.  It had been a few years since we had gone to the fair.  I think Alanna was a baby the last time we went.  We decided to go this year since my husband and I grew up going to the fair, however...we don't think we'll probably go back again.

It just wasn't really a relaxing experience.

My children loved the animals of course, but it was actually hard to see them so frustrated with being in the cages.  They clearly were tired and ready to go home and I really didn't enjoy seeing them in that condition.  It's different when you go to the zoo, or a farm and they are in their normal space.  Here though, they all seemed agitated, especially the pigs and horses.  It left me feeling like I was just being a part of the cause of their distress.  Maybe I'm over thinking all of that but that's just how I felt. 

The twins really loved the animals which made me more excited for the time when we can have our own land and can have our own animals.  

There were a TON of people there which was the main reason we probably won't go back.  It was absolutely overwhelming trying to navigate through the intense crowds of people.  I'm much more of a small group kind of person.  So, trying to work through the crowds, noises, smells, lines etc. was pretty hard for me.

We spent 45 minutes getting into the fair, a small amount of time looking at animals and the tractors, and then just over an hour in line for dinner, and by then it was completely dark already.  So we walked through the art exhibit and then headed home.  It was another 45 minutes to get out to the car and then an hour drive home.  So, basically it just felt like a really long time of driving, standing in line, and working through crowds and smells!  It didn't feel worth the money we had to spend on tickets and food.  

I apologize for this not being the normal happy post about our days, but I did want to be honest in my review and feelings on the fair since a lot of people ask me about where we go.  

I much prefer our hikes, nature adventures, or places that aren't heavily crowded :) 

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