Near the middle of October, our family headed up to the mountains for our traditional Apple Picking Day.  It has been 12 years since we went to this orchard for the first time.  My oldest son was only two then.  We've gone every year but two years since then.  

It's always a really fun day.  I love the drive there, the view from the mountain, the smells, the excitement and simplicity of picking your own apples. 

Liam wanted to dress in his entire Harry Potter costume this year but I knew it would be muddy.  We were able to come to an agreement on him just wearing the glasses and brining his wand.  After we got there he was thankful I had made that decision because it was very muddy and he fell several times. 

We almost used the wagon for the girls, but we've always just used a carrier for our non-walkers.  I'm really glad we changed our minds last minute and strapped the girls into the ergos.  I had forgotten how big the hills are, how many rocks are on the paths, and how difficult pulling it around would be.  But once we got there and I got to thinking about it, I knew I wouldn't want to deal with that. 

Usually I let my little one down to sit and eat apples and just play.  However, the mud this year kept me from having Milla and Mara get down at all.  They enjoyed eating apples while being carried though. 

Jude fell so many times as he was reaching into apple trees, and ended the day totally covered in mud :) 

The kids were all worried the bags wouldn't be big enough to get enough apples.  But, they hold more than you think.  Alanna looked so beautiful in her new pink dress.  She always looks so grown up to me when she wears this. 

We didn't go last year when I was pregnant with the twins.  Everything was so weird with Covid, I wasn't sure how the experience would be so I opted out of going.  I was really glad to be back this year and allow the girls to enjoy their first time here. 

Looking back at all the photos over the years from the orchard is always so fun and slightly emotional.  Our family has grown significantly since that first time going.  And all my children just grow so quickly.  I love the ages my children are though.  I have enjoyed every age for different reasons.  They are like my little best friends now.  We enjoy so much of the same things and it's so fun doing things together!

My husband had my camera and was able to sneak in a few pictures of our oldest.  He usually ducks out of the photos but we were able to catch more of him than usual this day :) 

These four...I have so many memories of just these four.  The twins came so much later than Jude that these four will probably always feel like "before the twins and then after the twins."

The girls are such a deep part of our lives now.  We can not imagine life without them.  They are so fun and full of joy.  They are so incredibly loved.  The middle kids love playing with them and teaching them new things.  Everyone loved watching them enjoy their apples that day.

I didn't realize my husband had snapped this photo of Ruy and me as we were heading back to the store to get apple donuts.  He was teasing me about something. 

We always end our time at the orchard with apple donuts.  They are so good.  

The day was absolutely perfect.  The weather was amazing.  There weren't too many people there.  Everyone had a good time.  I'm thankful for another wonderful family trip to the orchard. 



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