3/12 Monthly Update On Ruy

March 2014

-You learned how to use your little saw for the first time.  You were so excited.  You spent hours sawing logs and branches. 

- You had your first baseball practice of the season.  This is your third year in baseball.  You are so excited about this season.  

- You lost your third tooth.

- You are getting so good at riding your bike.  You take your hands off the handle bars for a few seconds at a time.  You get so excited when you are able to do that.  You will yell across the yard for me to look at you.

- You have been counting down the days until your birthday (April 10).  You have been telling me lots of things that you want.  You want to go to build-a-bear.  You want army legos, a G.I.Joe, sandals, a new water bottle, and a new Jonathan Park CD.
I am not ready for you to turn 7 though!  You have to stay little forever!

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